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Item Database - Will of the Summoner

Will of the Summoner Icon #236675 Nanobots encircle your form, cascading through your NCU; You cannot communicate with them, nor control them, but they seem to be beneficial.
Flags Social Armor, Default Target, Buff Nano, Want Collision
Patch 17.9
Nanocost 0
School Protection: 851
Duration 40 seconds
Range 1 m
Effect icon Icon 236672
Stacking order 1
On Use User Hit Health 377 .. 423  28 hits, 5s delay
User Modify Melee init 120  
User Modify Ranged init 120  
User Modify Physical init 120  
User Modify Nano init 120  
User Modify Offense modifier 150  
User Modify Defense modifier 150  
User Modify Heal modifier 25  
gimpmasta @ 2009-03-12 17:00
Wow. 40 sec duration (all the others last 15s), and gives a HoT, and dives 150! off/def...If it wasn't for the 10min wait between i'd totally get the cloak just for this :o
gimpmasta @ 2009-03-12 17:02
Oh, and it's the only one you can cast on target, save the tank ftw!
gimpmasta @ 2009-03-13 06:37
if NPC type == 95 or
NPC type == 96 or
NPC type == 97 or
NPC type == 98 <- until you see that.
Heltfeil @ 2010-01-30 10:37
How can something that has 28 hits with 5s delay, last 40s?
Pung @ 2011-02-16 00:34
because FC does not have ObiToms calculator
biancha @ 2012-01-07 09:12
lol :)
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