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Item Database - Nano Crystal (Improved Frenzy of Shells)

Nano Crystal (Improved Frenzy of Shells) Icon #42451 Nano Crystal - Increases the fixer's Submachine Gun skill by 201 points and the Burst and FullAuto skills by 130 points. It also increases the Multi-Ranged skill by 58 points, damage output by 18 points, ranged weapon initiative by 60 points and all evasion skills by 20 points.
Flags Visible, Tell Collision, Has Energy, No Drop
Can Carry, Use, Eat
Patch 17.7
Change QL:
Value 4613942
Energy 1
Mass 0.1kg
To Use User Profession == Fixer and
User Psychological modifications >= 1615 and
User Sensory improvement >= 1615 and
User Cyberdeck & 6
On Use User Upload Improved Frenzy of Shells  
Jedrox @ 2007-12-29 21:14
Thats just awesome!
Yakobo66 @ 2008-01-03 13:43
yay!! evades from wep buffs ^^
Courtdog @ 2008-01-07 12:35
it's funny how adv didn't get something like this.

Improved Ballad of the Plains Wanderer
On Use User Modify Pistol 180
User Modify Ranged init 60
User Modify Perception 50
User Modify Fling shot 65
User Modify Burst 95
User Modify Full Auto 145 (for being neglected for so long)
User Modify Projectile damage modifier 18
User Modify Melee damage modifier 18
User Modify Energy damage modifier 18
User Modify Chemical damage modifier 18
User Modify Radiation damage modifier 18
User Modify Cold damage modifier 18
User Modify Fire damage modifier 18
User Modify Poison damage modifier 18

Improved Division of the Winds
On Use User Modify 1h Edged 180
User Modify Melee init 60
User Modify Parry 50
User Modify Fast attack 65
User Modify Brawl 110
User Modify Projectile damage modifier 18
User Modify Melee damage modifier 18
User Modify Energy damage modifier 18
User Modify Chemical damage modifier 18
User Modify Radiation damage modifier 18
User Modify Cold damage modifier 18
User Modify Fire damage modifier 18
User Modify Poison damage modifier 18
WarDad71 @ 2008-01-19 06:37
Where/how to get.
Subwave @ 2008-02-01 10:30
dustbrigade quest :P
Tarradax @ 2008-06-01 10:28
+120 FA... It's official. Fixer is the new soldier. This is actually on-par with the (Not Improved) Soldier Clip Junkie, casting reqs notwithstanding.
Pafpuf @ 2009-01-29 22:44
With 400 less weapon attack rating, 500 less FA attack rating, a 1:20+ minute cooldown FA weapon, yeah sure fixers are the new soldiers. Go die in a fire please.
Chartax @ 2009-02-07 17:42
Chartax @ 2009-02-07 17:42
Also, since when has being good with a gun made you evade faster?
Binarybot @ 2009-02-26 21:47
Watch "Wanted" and see them parry bullets with bullets. Nuff said ;)
Cokeaddict11 @ 2009-03-27 23:07
If your good with a gun you dont have to take time aim and therefore can keep moving? :D

Who the hell cares

Nukeclearia @ 2009-09-30 19:49
Fixers are getting some Full Auto love now, Go Fixers!
Chartax @ 2009-11-29 18:54
Obtained through the Dust Brigade line.

Also, fixer's are getting Full Auto bonuses from Research and Perks too now. I expect they'll extend the FA buff all the way down the line.
Saetos @ 2009-12-10 05:57
I say keep Fixers with 20-24 second FullAutos; they can already reach 11 second FA with Freedom Arms Queen pistol.
houserocker @ 2009-12-31 02:09
Fixers can each 11 second AS with an Ofab Tiger too, it doesn't mean they should do it.
Zackykat @ 2010-02-11 03:55
But who Doesn't want 11 second FA?
yummytacos @ 2010-10-08 04:24
why would a fixer use a OFAB Tiger?
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