18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Shattered Nano Crystal

Shattered Nano Crystal This Nano Crystal is completely broken and you can not repair it.
Flags Visible, Tell Collision, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry
Patch 11.0 12.5 13.2 18.8.53
Change QL:
Roadrunner @ 2005-07-05 14:26
best nano ingame ^^ everybody should get it :]
Comi @ 2005-12-07 19:41
The nano that has to be in everyone's ncu
Easyshot @ 2006-03-04 18:01
why is it so good???
Easyshot @ 2006-03-04 18:02
why is it so good???
Doomeater @ 2006-04-23 16:36
nice nano to spam on low lvl traders so they can't get drain transfers >:)
Xsonic @ 2006-05-01 09:02
Swim like u mean it!
reids @ 2006-05-22 17:25
this is a nano to end all nanos
Soljaz @ 2006-06-15 05:46
uber in ado ;)
Datagutt @ 2006-08-01 14:27
UBAR NANO wtb paying 500m!
reids @ 2006-09-05 01:44
the amount of times this nano has saved my life!!

Ezikial @ 2006-12-31 22:24
teh pwnz. totes. fo sho'z.
Hydrojen @ 2007-07-30 03:51
If it added 10 more swimming it'd be more useful >:(
Vgman @ 2008-01-09 23:01
why havent I gotten this yet D:
akademiker @ 2008-08-15 02:00
got it on my level 60 twink, pretty impressive
clmaster @ 2008-10-29 13:07
Chartax @ 2009-11-10 14:37
Twinked this on at my level 1 NT with expertises + VTEs/NS
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