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Item Database - Improved Complete Healing

Improved Complete Healing Icon #44235 The target is definitely completely healed of all damage.
This nano can be used once every 20 seconds.
Flags Modified Description, Disable Statel Collision
Patch 17.6 17.7 18.1 18.8.53
QL 215
Crystal Nano Crystal (Improved Complete Healing)
Nanocost 2750
School Healing: Complete heal
Attack time 9s
Recharge time 3.5s
Range 25 m
Effect icon Icon 44236
Stacking order 1
Attack skills
Biological metamorphosis 52 %
Matter metamorphosis 48 %
To Use User Biological metamorphosis >= 2154 and
User Matter metamorphosis >= 2154 and
User Profession == Doctor and
User Affected by Improved Complete Healing not running and
User Cyberdeck & 6
On Use Target Hit Health 100001 .. 100001  
User Cast Affected by Improved Complete Healing  
Xira @ 2007-10-17 19:06
"The target is definitely completely healed of all damage."
No kidding
Yakobo66 @ 2007-10-18 15:09
meh... useless for everything except showing off :(
zerogates @ 2007-10-19 01:07
heh yakobo, 1 enf and 1 doc can tank pande with this
Yakobo66 @ 2007-10-19 11:23
uuugh... if the enf likes to be healed every 15secish sure >.>
Vunts @ 2007-11-01 17:01
The description is the best ever :P
copperneedle @ 2007-11-01 19:49
The existence of this should require the nano "complete healing" to be renamed. Now if this were to say completely heal AND add to Max health -or- add to heal delta -or- give a minor 1min HoT (50hp/tick etc) I could see how this would have something to do with common sense since it's been 'improved'. Don't name something "complete" if it doesn't do the job the first time :P
Jornado @ 2007-11-02 05:59
well, the old one DID do the job the first time, but since so many have HP over 10k now, it no longer does. remember, at game release, 10k hitpoints was exceedingly uber, rather that fairly common at later levels. hence i think the name is appropriate.
alesicis @ 2007-11-02 21:28
so apparently docs are the new tanks of AO. An enf wont touch agro if you cast this. I dont see how they think it could ever be useful
Jornado @ 2007-11-05 09:38
alesicis, you sure this nano taunts proportionally more than CH? haven't got it yet on my doc, but I'd bet the taunt is the same as the old CH rather that 10x the amount, i think (i hope) Fc wouldn't have made the taunt on this line even more rediculous.
alesicis @ 2007-11-09 01:48
No im not sure, just guessing :P I think it'll be in the 17.7 update
Pung @ 2007-11-11 02:09
OMG! Whats the next nano? Nano Crystal (Improved Heal the World) - The doctor will successfully heal anyone on rubi-ka and shadowlands of all damage.
bungysma @ 2007-11-11 19:57
well... 2154... thats a big amount of BM and MM.. even at 220..
I would go Bodily invigoration any day... my doc isent even close to maxing out her heal %.. but still it heals Healing 8017-9317(10261-11925).. 1/4'th recharge and no insta aggro.
Yakobo66 @ 2007-11-15 15:42
Pung @ 2007-11-11 02:09
OMG! Whats the next nano? Nano Crystal (Improved Heal the World) - The doctor will successfully heal anyone on rubi-ka and shadowlands of all damage.
WTB 150mil >.< (at last a good team heal? O.o)
Skpuppy @ 2007-11-22 14:34
@Pung : ROFL

@Yakobo: WTS useless advy team heals ><
Hafenbraut @ 2007-11-26 09:57
I haven�t encountered a situation yet were this would have been useful.
To me, it�s a bit like A&O - I *can* CH my entire team, but there will barely be the need to do so, and everybody will die in the recharge anyway.

Of course, an Enfo with 50k-ish HP at 20% health might justify using this, but I think spamming BI would be more flexible and thus safer.
Mohamed @ 2007-11-27 09:12
We don't even know if it takes aggro yet, even if it does, it can save an enfo in big raids, of course doc will likely die after...but why wouldnt I use this at aipf? No reason not too, hey I want
Whitelights @ 2007-12-09 15:31
A&O NEVER gets the respect it deserves i use it periodicly if i see the need and it does its job well... i rarely have people die from the recharge too
Shareida @ 2007-12-13 18:57
Those nanos have a purpose, aswell as A&O has. Can someone say Biodome?

Did someone check the dataabase about new Biodome armor?
Morrhiar @ 2007-12-14 05:27
In my opinion this nano can be uber in some cases like one doc beast. When enfo fall down too much on hp use this. And it has 3.5s recharge so it's faster than BI.
I can cast it without high ql symbs so it's not this painfull reqs.
And talking about the team heals check the last DB one. With 38% healing eff (which is not hard to have) it heals for more than 5k and 4s recharge.
Morrhiar @ 2007-12-14 07:29
after a test in beast raid ICH don't aggro that much maybe less than BI and it really ftw if you have a 70k hp enfo mongo tanking.
Dancingrage @ 2007-12-28 08:19
Yep, went into a pande raid and the multiple docs were putting this to good use on the tank, can really make things easier on all involved....can do Pande indeed with 1 doc and one enfo, especially if that enfo's got the new Mongo....
vietnow @ 2007-12-30 10:23
been doing apf lately and if I had this nano it would be extremely useful when you got 10 people and 1 doc :p was able to do 28 once but second time failed. really gotta do these quest but to lazy :/
Truestrength @ 2008-01-07 01:34
100001 .. 100001 holy cow..nice
Truestrength @ 2008-01-07 01:36
only down side tho is the target needs 20 seconds in between casts

Affected by Improved Complete Healing Icon #44235 Your nanobots have recently been used very hard, give them a chance to rest.
Duration 20 seconds
Dancingrage @ 2008-01-12 12:00
Oh, before you crap yourself, nab some T.P. run to your local toilet and realize one thing:

Healing effiecency works on THIS heal too...

You were healed by XXYYZZ for 140001 points of health.
zerogates @ 2008-01-14 06:29
It needs to affect mechs :)
Threeze @ 2008-01-19 08:37
Truestrength @ 2008-01-07 01:36
only down side tho is the target needs 20 seconds in between casts

Affected by Improved Complete Healing Icon #44235 Your nanobots have recently been used very hard, give them a chance to rest.
Duration 20 seconds

I definitely prefer this to a long recharge time.
Basically, having this nano, it's like adding a 100k heal into your regular 10k heals, once every 20 seconds - you CANT complain about that :D
0000 @ 2008-01-24 12:35
Well I didn't read all of everyones posts... but stop whining A. and B. this is fine.... the recharge ins't 20s.... thats the cool down....kinda like agent crit nanos or ams/tms..... its great if the aggro isn't what I'm thinking it is..... still good on RK for DB shiz and such etc...
jokeUsa @ 2008-03-10 10:13
hehehe, run into the kite, cast this and piss off the NT ;)
Yakobo66 @ 2008-03-18 16:59
... agg is less than CH ;)
they put in an invisible mega taunt on original CH but not on this one afaik
wintypes @ 2008-03-20 14:19
Attack time 9s
Recharge time 3.5s
Cooldown 20s

Ok, so if you can insta this ....
so, over 20 secs and with your heal mods, that is - 140001+11000*4 ~ 180k HP healed in 20 secs...
Makes you immortal in solo PvP?
Keex @ 2008-04-02 09:43
shouldn't change too much in pvp, due to low hp (20k hp is low compared to 100k heal). with these amouts of HP BI more or less always worked like a CH. only difference would be if you are heal-effi debuffed.
Dalek @ 2008-04-03 01:57
"jokeUsa @ 2008-03-10 10:13

hehehe, run into the kite, cast this and piss off the NT ;)"

1. This has no taunt

2. if it did, I doubt any NT would be pissed off, he can just stand and nuke now while doc has aggro, no need to run and kite.
Tarradax @ 2008-08-05 16:18
Occured to me that this nano might be FC's way of preparing people to instanced Pande - iMongo + iCH, possible to get around with just 1 doc + 1 enfo + 4 DDs?
Yakobo66 @ 2008-10-06 17:44
0000 @ 2008-01-24 12:35
Well I didn't read all of everyones posts... but stop whining A. and B. this is fine.... the recharge ins't 20s....

Check patch version 17.6
12sec coolsdown that's what all the "useless" comments are about ;)
MagicShock @ 2008-10-30 07:15
Docs and Enfs were made for eachother. With IMongo doc can cast this all they want. not a chance of taking agg.
Mefsy @ 2010-02-22 17:17
Umm, one question.. patch 17.7 ->
"On Use Target Hit Health 100001 .. 100001
User Cast Affected by Improved Complete Healing"
but patch 18.1 is ->
"On Use Target Hit Health 100001 .. 100001"
so does that mean there isn't affected part running anymore which usually prevents this kind of nanos recasting? So, is it (after 18.1 patch) able to cast after recharge time? o.O
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