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Item Database - Frozen Steps

Frozen Steps Icon #46275 Your recent interaction with the unnatural ice crystals of the passage have made your joints stiff with cold. It is difficult to walk and impossible to run.
Flags Default Target, Item Texture Override, Buff Nano
Patch 17.5 18.0 18.8.53
NCU 47
Nanocost 351
School Combat: Snare
Duration 12 seconds
Attack time 1.29s
Recharge time 4.16s
Range 20 m
Effect icon Icon 46260
Stacking order 47
Defense skills
Nano resist 90 %
Level 85 %
Attack skills
Sensory improvement 53 %
Time and space 47 %
On Use Target Modify Run speed -3000  
Shadow342 @ 2010-03-11 06:50
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