Ilikebunnies @ 2007-07-19 10:19
The meta ring could kill the enfo ring with a dull tooth-pick.
Yakobo66 @ 2008-01-30 13:50
wth... over twice the mods of most other rings O.o
Chesh @ 2008-05-12 02:48
Proc on this ring appears to be a mini HOT. 200 every 2 seconds for 12 seconds from what I caught of it during a test. Not great but the buffs on the ring makes up for it. ;)
gergiskoo @ 2008-08-28 20:42
hooray for pocket developers.
they should have gone all the way and named it after metaing instead.
Ats @ 2009-01-30 22:50
Shouldn't this have been the NT ring instead? wtf is this shit!
alpha320 @ 2009-02-11 06:45
gergiskoo @ 2008-08-28 20:42
hooray for pocket developers.
they should have gone all the way and named it after metaing instead.
Was ingame before Metaing became dev..iirc
Juoksennella @ 2011-06-05 14:00
One ring to rule them all ;) MPs Ftw!
Xtremtech @ 2012-06-04 01:12
Aye, as I remember it, it was in-game before MetaIng became a dev... and of course MetaIng later had his own items named after him.
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