No4Sniper260 @ 2007-07-06 04:35
because in pvp, you want lower hp so you can heal up the 30% cap an alpha can do to you "as/sa/dimach/fa/burst", unless your a reaver profession, then thats probably the only time you want more hp. but this is definitely a keeper for pvm, goc for pvp ftw.
Binarybot @ 2010-02-17 19:13
In pvm, you can be killed in 1 hit. To attempt to make things more balanced, Funcom added pvp damage caps, where a single hit cannot do more than a % of your max health, currently 30%. That means it takes at least 4 hits to kill you. Some hits, like Aimed Shot and Sneak Attack, cannot be avoided, and Dimach is hard to avoid as it resists against 50% of your Psychic (so almost another guarenteed hit). As an evade profession, these unavoidable hits will push damage through regardless of your evades. If you can stim first aid, or cast a heal nano, those healing benefits are enhanced by a low health setup. An extreme example would be having 4340 max health. 30% of your max health would then be 1302, which is the minimum Soul of Rubi can heal. So, every 11 seconds, they can use aimed shot on you for 1302, and every 12 seconds you can heal for at least 1302 (or up to 50% of your hp if it heals for max). Now compare to a 15,000 hp setup, where a capped aimed shot will deal 4500 damage every 11 seconds, and your max heal with Soul of Rubi is 2135 hp. Now, even though you have more health, you are unable to heal the damage being dealt to you, and will eventually lose the fight, in contrast to the low hp setup where your heal could heal 30-50% of your health and you could outheal someone relying on aimed shot alone (assuming your evades were good enough to avoid regular hits and specials).