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Item Database - OFAB Engineer Protective Gear

OFAB Engineer Protective Gear Icon #268011 In the orbital fabrication plants of the battle stations, this armor was forged especially for Engineers.
Wearing this item will provide you with an innate 4% resistance against normal stuns.
Flags Visible, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 17.4 17.7 18.4
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Back
Value 30000
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 10kg
To Equip User Intelligence >= 1045 and
User Psychic >= 855 and
User Profession == Engineer and
User Expansion sets & Lost Eden
On Equip User Modify Max health 700  
User Modify Strength 15  
User Modify Psychic 25  
User Modify Projectile AC 2000  
User Modify Melee AC 2000  
User Modify Energy AC 2000  
User Modify Chemical AC 2000  
User Modify Radiation AC 2000  
User Modify Cold AC 2000  
User Modify Poison AC 2000  
User Modify Fire AC 2000  
User Modify Mechanical engineering 70  
User Modify NCU memory 25  
User Modify Defense modifier 50  
User Resistance Calm 4%  
Phracton @ 2007-06-15 11:33
Goodbye Chosen Engineer helper... sad, i really liked its look.
Nook1e @ 2007-06-19 22:11
the meager bonuses on this one isnt enough to make the chosen engi helpers 'obsolete'.

+50 hp and some +AAD for a HORRID look w. cc/css.

Push the button!
Phracton @ 2007-06-20 13:53
its +100 hp, +5 psy, +15str., +10 ME, +25 NCU, +50 AAD plus some ACs more than the helper... Thats enough for me to accept the horibble look. :P
pusikas @ 2007-06-23 16:19
Horrible is relative. If you are a female clan nanomage... then it is a great improvement over the T3 back. :D
Phracton @ 2007-06-25 10:56
>Horrible is relative. If you are a female clan nanomage... then it is a great improvement over the T3 back. :D
Hehe thats true. Imo FC doesn't fix that just to peeve Muha, why else would they fix the omni version but not Clan :P
Nook1e @ 2007-08-07 16:38
Bah, who needs more ac's >.>
Altho, going to need this one since burden camping for +str buffs aint fun ><

Still going to wear the t3 back anyway, it does look nice with the pads but... errr... :P
Nook1e @ 2007-10-09 18:05
Note to self: don't post comments before making inquiries.

This back armor (because of the +50 aad) is only a minor bit inferior to notucom in a full evade setup. The 50 aad results in about +70 evades, notucom (without this +50 aad) results in about ~92 evade clsc. It still looks crappy tho but good ><
houserocker @ 2007-11-25 22:29
Love the HP, decent other mods, tho aad is hardly a useful defense for engineers really. Wish they had carried over the look from T3 back though, always thought it was one of the better designs - sleek and futuristic but still simple and unobtusive.
dezz10 @ 2010-01-10 14:28
ya protectve gear looks like a piece of cardboard
Juoksennella @ 2011-06-23 14:16
Horrible look o.O This is cool. Just check out Nelebs robe if you want something ugly.
TMC513 @ 2012-06-09 16:38
Agreed. People in AOs version of what looks good is severely warped when you have half the population spending inordinate amounts of time to get the ugliest back item of all (burden).
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