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Item Database - Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU

Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU Icon #205500 The Yuttos' own version of the NCU (Nano Containment Unit). It can be inserted into a normal NCU belt. This version has been augmented with ancient Xan spirit technology.
Flags Visible
Can Carry, Wear
Patch current
225 (interpolated between QL 160 and QL 300)
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Deck 1, Deck 2, Deck 3, Deck 4, Deck 5, Deck 6
Value 17857143
Attack time 0.3s
Mass 0.1kg
To Equip User Computer literacy >= 1180
On Equip User Modify Treatment 7  
User Modify NCU memory 112  
User Modify Critical decrease 1  
regsvr32 @ 2007-08-09 09:50
is that really good and sucks as i think ? good ncu + tretmetnt but in other way around that decrease your critical in 1%? or that something else i miss ? would like hear explain and clear one
KraZMedic @ 2007-08-10 00:44
The critical decrease means it decreases the chance of you getting critted
Yakobo66 @ 2007-09-07 17:21
So now pretty much everyone is after these... makes a big difference in pvm and pvp
sampiks @ 2007-09-25 22:24
these rocks.... froob friendly :D but have question... crit decrases take off crit chance from you or from enemy? if it takes from enemy my fixer need it!! if not then i dont need this junks ;P but so usefull for twinking up 250 QL imps on froobs docs ><
NStorm @ 2007-10-02 10:56
2sampiks: was explained few comments above by KraZMedic
zerogates @ 2007-10-11 00:57
if it was gonna reduce your chance to crit it would be -1% crit increase
sampiks @ 2007-10-14 17:13
damn.. then i need them ><
wintypes @ 2007-12-09 18:54
feasable on TL5 froob traders with CL buffing boards
Daundweg @ 2007-12-10 03:44
Yakobo66 @ 2007-12-15 15:43
feasable on 150 nt with 1k board :D
Yakobo66 @ 2008-01-25 12:18
*um not ql300...*
Snakebite @ 2008-03-04 04:53
What do you need to add to the original Modified NCU & where do you get it?
Liquor @ 2008-03-26 08:03
Dormant Ancient Circuit and you can get these at albatraum :p
bartje @ 2008-05-05 20:06
Well you don't get these at albtraum, just the Dormant you get there :)
bartje @ 2008-05-05 20:06
Dormant + Ql220 Yutto gets this to Ql300...

Think any QL would make QL300 btw.. Not sure.. ;/
vietnow @ 2008-06-09 11:13
yes any will make 300 as long as tskiller has 1800me...but for the last time don't make the 160s into 300s. My trader can buy yuttos for 7m and you can find dormant for 10m, if that, you can make 2 300s by selling the 160 infused.
vietnow @ 2008-06-09 11:14
edit:to many people ask me to do this and can't comprehend so hopefully some of them will read that :p
enfizzle @ 2008-06-23 14:54
vietnow @ 2008-06-09 11:13

yes any will make 300 as long as tskiller has 1800me...but for the last time don't make the 160s into 300s. My trader can buy yuttos for 7m and you can find dormant for 10m, if that, you can make 2 300s by selling the 160 infused.

Then have a stock of yutto ncus from your trader, if someone comes with a rare ql yutto to infuse use the shop bought one and its instant profit.
Zinrax @ 2008-12-26 20:06
so how much ME skill should the tradeskiller have exactly to make ql160 yutto stay the same ql after infusing?
Xandor @ 2008-12-30 14:27
Zinrax: 960 ME would give the 160 SI one
Just do QL x6 to find the correct ME for these :)
Deathgod @ 2009-11-16 07:09
960-964 ME for 160 ones actually
Binarybot @ 2010-03-22 23:54
960-965 will give 160's (every 6 skill above that gives +1 ql, so you can aim at a specific twink ql).

Also, same TS reqs as infused compilers, any NCU or Compiler over ql 150 can be made to ql 300 (or any ql inbetween, again at 6 skill per ql). Lower ql compilers cap lower (basically 2x ql of compiler)
Dagger @ 2012-05-13 20:49
Ql 300 doable on engi at 150
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