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Item Database - Sheffy's Micro Coil

Sheffy's Micro Coil Icon #151931 In the orbital fabrication plants of the battle stations, this ring was forged especially for doctors. A special nanite factory is installed in this version that can sometimes inject special nanites directly into your blood stream.
Flags Visible
Can Carry, Wear
Patch current
225 (interpolated between QL 1 and QL 300)
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Right finger, Left finger
Value 18005
To Equip User Stamina >= 827 and
User Psychic >= 677 and
User Level >= 165 and
User Profession == Doctor and
User Expansion sets & Lost Eden
User 267562 unknown and
User 267563 unknown
On Equip User Modify Max health 113  
User Modify Matter metamorphosis 15  
User Modify Biological metamorphosis 15  
User Modify Nano init 75  
User Modify Nano cost modifier -1  
User Modify Critical decrease 1  
User Modify Heal modifier 4  
Yakobo66 @ 2007-07-09 15:40
... no comments on the ubahrest doc ring ever? O.o
Feetus @ 2007-07-30 06:32
QL 300 requires 24,000 VP. Buyable at Ofab Doctor Armor booth.
Yakobo66 @ 2007-10-01 12:11
i was thinking more along the lines of the uber mods/proc :(
Dollcet @ 2007-12-08 10:29
Proc is only usefull for solo , if it triggers 500 nano and 100 hp every second for a short time , but you need to get hit for it (" hey meatshild there stop mongo i need nano" on raids just doesnt work ) and chance to trigger is low -.-
Blackruby @ 2007-12-23 10:21
triggers a lot in pvp, 100% root/snare resist, 500 nano, good vs GTH when it hits you and you're lucky to get your proc go off (that combined with helmet proc gives you a chance for a heal). It also does a 1.2k heal in 6 ticks of 200.
Yakobo66 @ 2008-02-15 16:19
hehe if i get hit by gth i usually just fire of SB if it's up... NM ftw!!! (if not up then genius2 + nano stim... if genius down i just hit aoe heals and run like hell :p)
alder @ 2009-01-04 04:54 seems to be the proc
at ql300/level 220:
- 200 .. 200 7 hits, 5s delay hot
- 500 .. 500 15 hits, 2s delay nano hot
- 5% crit resist
- 100% resist against snare:
- 100% resist against root:

UBAR! yes.
atacrossroad @ 2010-11-18 00:28
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