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Item Database - Lesser Industrial Sabotage

Lesser Industrial Sabotage Icon #16190 Lowers the defensive ability of the target player by 200 and increases the offensive capabilities of the caster by 150.
Flags Default Target, Item Texture Override, Buff Nano
Patch 17.2 17.6 18.8.53
QL 200
Crystal Nano Crystal (Trad: Lesser Industrial Sabotage)
NCU 45
Nanocost 350
School Psionic: 814
Duration 30 seconds
Attack time 2s
Recharge time 4s
Range 15 m
Effect icon Icon 16425
Stacking order 50
Defense skills
Nano resist 100 %
Attack skills
Psychological modifications 50 %
Time and space 50 %
To Use User Psychological modifications >= 751 and
User Time and space >= 751 and
User Profession == Trader and
Target NPC type == 0
On Use Target Modify Defense modifier -200  
Self Cast Lesser Industrial Sabotage Transfer  
Incinerator @ 2009-02-18 22:06
Lvl 49 traders are casting this and borrow reflect... Time to level lock some trader nanos, or remove level lock on other proffessions hmmz?
alesicis @ 2009-05-29 00:32
lvl locking trader nanos would defeat the entire purpose of the trader, but yeah some other professions really need some locks removed
Vxrniss @ 2009-08-05 01:06
What level lock on other professions?

A 49 can get mochams/131 too, they can get GSF+NCU too, they can get chirops/cleavers/howlets/panthers on, they can receive NR buffs from a doc and an advy, enfo rage aren't level locked.
Akael @ 2009-08-09 10:34
Vxrniss, level lock on getting buffs != level lock on casting buffs.
Ladunker586 @ 2009-08-19 07:08
Well at least this nano as well as the trader's drains all use the same skills as wrangles.......... b/c thats all they are good for at this point ;). Traders are way too unbalanced to be taken seriously in PvP below TL6 because of nanos like this. ARE DRAINS NOT ENOUGH, YOU NEED MORE? Its ridiculous. Is the dmg from a weapon at 75% or 50% plus 200 or so AAO drain too much for traders to handle, so fc gave them this? its ridiculous lol.
Vigos @ 2011-02-04 23:16
Why are people so whiny xD The point of of the trader profession is their ability to use higher nanos. You level lock their nanos is like reducing the reflect of soldier or the defense/evades of GA for fixer.
sfwhip @ 2011-02-08 11:34
boo hoo! traders are soooooooo bad ass...ever had one? they can't make a sandwich in pvp...
zerogates @ 2011-08-13 19:10
Have traders, they do quite well in pvp and level locking tools would not defeat the so-called purpose of traders. Trader tools are meant to disable or weaken opponents, no where is it stated to be obligitory that a trader must have the ability to have excessive amounts of nanoskills to cast nanos far beyond typical profession capabilities.
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