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Item Database - Divest Skills (Nanite Enhanced)

Divest Skills (Nanite Enhanced) Lowers all weapon and nano skills of the target by a maximum of 210 points, transferring 210 points back to the caster.
Flags Default Target, Item Texture Override
Patch 17.2 18.8.53
QL 200
Crystal Nano Crystal (Trad: Divest Skills (Nanite Enhanced))
NCU 55
Nanocost 500
School Combat: Divest skills
Attack time 4.49s
Recharge time 1s
Range 25 m
Effect icon Icon 301393
Stacking order 210
Defense skills
Nano resist 85 %
Attack skills
Time and space 50 %
Psychological modifications 50 %
To Use User Max health not 3 and
User Psychological modifications >= 1001 and
User Time and space >= 1001 and
User Visual profession == Trader
On Use User Cast Divest Skills (Nanite Enhanced) Transfer  
Target Cast Divest Skills (Nanite Enhanced) Drain  
if NPC type not == 0  
Target Cast Divest Skills (Nanite Enhanced) Drain  
if NPC type == 0  
Hellboy1337 @ 2007-03-21 00:54
First! - It's a scary one.
neol @ 2007-03-21 16:04
hehe agent can cast it in fp trader ^^
Gavyyn @ 2007-03-21 17:33
>(0.0)< omgs drains AR and then more!!
zerogates @ 2007-03-21 20:14
I vote for nerf on this and other one, like a level lock. nothing worse than a 150 trader hitting you with both of these for -500 skills, you can't beat them after that no matter what.
Shiare @ 2007-03-24 18:59
last longer than normal drains too....a level lock might be needed though because you could cast this as early as level 100 with mochams helping you ladder your drains. but still limited to 3 mins at that level and is probably enough time to kill opponent in pvp. Fortunately, these aren't easily available to most people as far as I know.
Shiare @ 2007-03-24 19:36
Well just did some calculations and looks like you could drain up and cast this as early as level 100 for a nanomage trader and only need QL150 PM/TS Imps, expertise and mochams to do it. That's not including any PM and TS buffing items either. So if you add in some PM and TS boosting rings, armor/clothes (like cloaks) or utilities, you could probably cast this thing as early as the high 80 to early 90 levels. That's just a guess though since I'm not sure how many equippable items you can get that buff PM and TS, nor how high those items would buff your PM and TS.

So with that in mind, these new nano's definitely need a level lock in my oppinion.
Shiare @ 2007-03-24 19:51
also, that ncu cost must be incorrect, if not, it cost the same ncu as divest advanced. while plunder (nanite) cost 65 ncu and plunder (advanced) cost 57 ncu. Seems a little inconsistent to me.

by the way, another option for these things is to raise the PM and TS requirement to cast...maybe somethiing like 1250 - 1300. THen you'd have to be about level 185 or so to cast it. But hey, if FC doesn't change it, I won't complain hehe!
Dieless @ 2007-03-29 13:27
How to get, Rollable? Boss loot? those new LE boss camps??
I take it both Plunder and Divest have the same errr... avenue of aquirement
Hahnsoo @ 2007-03-30 13:02
They are bought for 6k Victory Points. Thus, you need Lost Eden to buy them. However, froobs can upload these and use them.
Dieless @ 2007-04-03 13:58
Ahh, the VP shops, thankee
charmo @ 2007-04-15 00:34
Traders are ment to be able to drain up to stuff ... counting OS buffs then saying it should be lvl locked is kinda wrong imo.
Ciekafsky @ 2007-05-10 19:34
Whats the lowest lvl trad could use it?
Chemicalbros @ 2007-05-30 21:36
casting it at 110 w/o predraining, with CI+comp nano, full ~ql165 arith, 200ish CM, 110ish NCU, perked CoNC and a SI tower
WorldTrader @ 2007-06-03 00:35
Steeplerot @ 2007-10-02 15:40
I hate this nano when doing BS on my advy.

No heals, crap AR, and worst of all it is bugged so it sometimes stays in your ncu after you die so you cannot rebuff. -nerf
alesicis @ 2007-10-06 10:16
unexpected agent love, now i just gotta find something neat to equip
Shareida @ 2007-11-15 00:39
it lacks the -250 dmg to all types. :D
Bublo @ 2008-01-19 18:49
Why, just why this thing can't have level requirement? Thanks for ruining TL4 pvp completely
Dilomax @ 2008-01-25 01:05
the NR check is just sexy it may tak awhile but after a few cast this should work even upper lvls :D
Incinerator @ 2008-02-03 02:19
Yeah every trader and agent is running around with this in tl5 BS, could use a lvl lock it at 185+ or something, Good luck hitting something after being drained by both these nanos, I saw one trader keep 5 people at bay just area root ,spam drains on all of em then finish off one by one, they stood no chance surely its overpowered. And just 90% nano resist check thats nothing for the trader after draining up.
Shareida @ 2008-02-20 00:40
Incinerator @ 2008-02-03 02:19
Yeah every trader and agent is running around with this in tl5 BS, could use a lvl lock it at 185+ or something, Good luck hitting something after being drained by both these nanos, I saw one trader keep 5 people at bay just area root ,spam drains on all of em then finish off one by one, they stood no chance surely its overpowered. And just 90% nano resist check thats nothing for the trader after draining up.

Agreed on the levellock, and bump for a -500 divest/plunder at 215.
kosol @ 2008-04-05 22:48
i agree incinerator... 150 doc with 1500+ nanores and that landed allmost 100%... not fun
Timmysnipe @ 2008-04-20 04:25
lvl lock it 175 no tl 5 bs for them:P
Heptagram @ 2008-04-24 02:26
I wonder what these sell for? In terms of creds.
Arendel @ 2008-06-09 18:22
Let them keep the nano, but give NTs nano reflect so they wear their own drains.
Backstabber @ 2008-06-17 08:20
i got hit with this by a 60 trader hit him for 7 dmg with a sps was like O.o checked ncu to find this and plunder nanite
AKrulz @ 2008-09-15 13:51
he was newb if you could hit him after drains:P
pyroathiest @ 2008-10-04 07:12
If im correct in calculations, then my level 49 solitus froob trader should be able to cast these with mochs, 132 wrangle, expertise, nelebs nanomaster cloak, ql 120 imps, a galahad t70 PM buffing pistol, and some intel buffing items. It would have to be laddered up to obviously, and would only have a 3 minute time in which to cast them because of the wrangle req, but still...
Jaydavee @ 2008-12-03 15:48
ruined pvp even more than it already was. Now there is no reason to do anything in pvp unless you are a trader with these nanite drains. AO's pvp of the future is just a bunch of traders draining each other.
Backstabber @ 2009-02-22 06:14
not just traders there will still be NR agents :P
tazerboy @ 2011-08-23 23:22
Just got hit with this on my 100 enfo wasnt very fun :\
aocat @ 2011-11-30 05:31
Dear Santa Alium,
These nanite drains should be improved. Traders aren't OP enough, so I was thinking each drain gets 1 sec. recharge, 50% NR check, and decreases skills by twice as much.
In addition, maybe each drain should have a -5000 RS snare, a 20 second stun, and -1000 to all base abilities and evades. Traders need more love in PvP.
Merry christmas, traders!!!
tazerboy @ 2012-02-09 00:17
had a level 100 trader casting this on me my weapon went oe pretty fast :'(
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