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Item Database - Cute Damageshield

Cute Damageshield Icon #16221 For testing only.
Flags Buff Nano
Patch 17.1
QL 1
Crystal Nano Crystal (Cute Damageshield)
Nanocost 1
School Protection: Damage shields
Duration 40 minutes
Attack time 0.01s
Recharge time 0.01s
Range 20 m
Effect icon Icon 16373
Stacking order 63
Attack skills
Matter metamorphosis 50 %
Matter creation 50 %
To Use User Matter metamorphosis >= 2 and
User Matter creation >= 2 and
User GM level >= 1
On Use Target Modify Shield projectile damage 100  
Target Modify Shield melee damage 100  
Target Modify Shield energy damage 100  
Target Modify Shield chemical damage 100  
Target Modify Shield radiation damage 100  
Target Modify Shield cold damage 100  
Target Modify Shield fire damage 100  
Target Modify Shield poison damage 100  
bowfinger @ 2007-04-24 15:25
cool, i wanna be a GM too!
genius71 @ 2007-05-09 03:46
aaaawwwweeee how cute! :P
Rikumelenium @ 2007-05-28 05:37
100 damage on contact isnt cute xD
ScorpiXz @ 2007-07-23 16:55

it's pretty cute
jarexxx @ 2008-05-29 22:41
,,Shield projectile damage 100 "
It isnt damage shield, it deflects 100% of ale types of dmg!
gimpmasta @ 2009-04-18 23:31
@jarexxx...that would be reflect damage, not shield.
darkphyre666 @ 2009-04-18 23:37
it PREVENTS 100% of damage
LoneSoldier @ 2009-05-15 03:32
No it doesnt...When it says "Shield <type> damage x", that means it does x damage when someone attacks using <type>. You are thinking about relect.
Flatvia @ 2010-02-09 17:11
in other words: if you get hit when this nano is up your enemy suffers 100 points of damage.
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