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Item Database - Nano Crystal (Blindside)

Nano Crystal (Blindside) Icon #12257 Nano Crystal - This nano formula will reduce the ability of a Trader to use nano formulae.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Tell Collision, Has Energy
Can Carry, Use, Eat
Patch 17.0 18.8.53
Change QL:
Value 3750
Energy 1
Mass 0.1kg
To Use User Expansion sets & Lost Eden and
User Time and space >= 800 and
User Profession == Fixer and
User Sensory improvement >= 800
On Use User Upload Blindside  
macattack @ 2006-12-14 06:08
except for root.. most of the casting for a fixer is already done... only really effects teh GA armor with it's nano skill requirements... dissappointing
Unkerror @ 2006-12-14 06:10
I think you missed what this nano does
this is a Fixer vs Trader debuff for the TRADER... means they won't be draining us in pvp ;)
macattack @ 2006-12-14 06:10
OK nvm.. my bad.. had the user/target mixed up
polluct @ 2006-12-14 09:39
where to get?
Whitey @ 2006-12-15 13:05
nano section of new LE terminals, in tower shop thing
togafix @ 2007-01-13 12:37
YES!OMGOMG!now we finally can pwn traders -.-
Shareida @ 2007-02-18 03:36
lol, a fixer who casts this on a trader should be permabanned for noobness.
I wouldnt spend a single second casting useless debuffs on a trader. Alpha and done, dead trader.
kady @ 2007-03-08 18:08
Its gr8 at BS i use it Poof trader is nerfed then Alpha :/ he is DEAD ! only problem is 1.5sec to cast :( hope they make it lower
togafix @ 2007-01-13 12:37

YES!OMGOMG!now we finally can pwn traders -.-

Dude U can always PWN them !!! ;)
Vannel @ 2007-03-21 22:05
Ah I love it when sarcasm is wasted...
Shareida @ 2007-05-28 03:03
Got pretty pissed on my tra. Saw a sol with AMS up, ran to it and a pesky Fix casted that. Tried to cast Borrow reflect, until i realized it i was dead.

I suggest every fix has it, not in first hotbar, but its still annoying as hell.
ffsfixer @ 2007-06-12 13:15
skill req bit high for a 100 ish fixer though
AlphaCenta @ 2007-08-10 19:47
Still nice for TL5 though.. Trader drains are evul ;(
Ruzan @ 2007-12-11 02:12
Add a 1 in front of those 750's and you might do some good. "Meh" nano.
Jedrox @ 2008-01-25 23:11
Shareida @ 2007-02-18 03:36
lol, a fixer who casts this on a trader should be permabanned for noobness.
I wouldnt spend a single second casting useless debuffs on a trader. Alpha and done, dead trader.
Good PvP traders have pretty high aad&dodge/evades... and if you get drained (AAO gets drained by more than 700 points in total), then good luck perking them without draining them first.
Loso @ 2008-05-25 12:13
Just tried to use this on tl5 bs, good traders with drains up can still cast nanite drain on you with this running...
Loso @ 2008-05-25 12:14
altho that was without NR1, and with 30 more nanoskills I could cast it while NR1 at lvl 165
Aspairus @ 2009-02-03 01:29
This nano is useless, "100% nano resist defence check" , meaning your not gunna be casting this on any trader unless its uber gimp, save your vp and put it towards more OFAB which will help you more than this crap.
Incinerator @ 2009-03-04 05:43
What Aspairus and Loso and Ruzan said.
This nano lands maybe once every 5 tries and meh just look at the nanocost. The trader is more likely to land a drain on you before you can cast this one unless he is busy ganking someone else.
hardstyler88 @ 2009-03-31 00:22
Aspairus @ 2009-02-03 01:29
This nano is useless, "100% nano resist defence check" , meaning your not gunna be casting this on any trader unless its uber gimp, save your vp and put it towards more OFAB which will help you more than this crap.

Have you used it yet nab? lands almost every single time. And i'm a pretty gimp fixer
Aspairus @ 2009-04-02 01:09
Well hardstyle, i know for a fact your not pvping in TL7 because for this nano to be effective that standpoint your TS & SI (dark blue for fix) vs NR skill of the trader which by Tl6 + most are using HHAB which means your just nano casting bubbles of nothing. this lands probs 1 in 5/7 time if that by which point the battle is already lost considering our poor dmg output at that lvl. For Tl5 fixers have more items in the toolset that are effective in pvp to make battles much shorter, but i'd like you to explain to me in greater detail how this nano is useful in any way.
Aspairus @ 2009-04-02 01:10
Now if this nano could be used against MP's aswell then it would find its way onto my hotbar, but for now its just a waste of nano.
Djeto @ 2009-09-27 22:23
Dudes look at the req's 800 si and 800 ts do you rly expect this nano to be worthwile at lvl 220 i mean get real O.o
houserocker @ 2009-12-31 02:07
It can be useful at TL7, but only if you see the trader before he sees you. And even then, you will still need the Worm ICE perk to be able to kill him if he lands anything on you. Would be happy to see this nano destroyed and have drains added to the list of things Wake Up Call can remove.
Djeto @ 2010-06-10 20:09
i agree on that housrocker just tired of people complaining about ql 50-150 nano's not being useful at TL 7 ye there are nano's of that ql that are still useful but doesn't mean every nano of that ql has to be useful in TL7.
Jackerz @ 2011-09-07 21:36
This is awesome in TL5 PvP. I use it ALWAYS in duels against Traders. And if it's a 1v1 I'll use in regular PvP, but in battlestation I need to save my nano for snares/roots/hots/debuffs.
Seraduxos @ 2012-12-10 10:46
the nano is great if it lands, problem is at tl7 any sane trader got he´s NR as twinked as hard he can, at tl5 is is superb and at tl6 is sux, most of all good tl6 fixers uses 1perk in NR, with that you will not land this, add that trader got hhab, aquarius and desent AAD and it´s gonna be almost impossible. Traders still gonna be an issue and max AR/FA setup + good alpha is still best defence vs them combined with high NR. Any solid trader twink will be in CS or CSS, HHAB, 2x IOGC, aquarius and so on if your not maxed AR/FA you sure will miss your entire alpha is he lands he´s drains on you. Add that all solid traders will start with shutdown skill to make sure you can´t pop entire alpha asap, so you will be drained with atleast 1 drain before starting your alpha. But with enough AR and NR you will be able to land attacks even if drained, you can also resist 1 or 2 drains, and manage to land a solid FA. I use it mainly for ganking, if trader is unaware of me, if he got me targeted then it´s a waste as he´s gonna land drains before i land this.
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