Twinkywinky @ 2006-12-14 22:26
they forgot hp-.-
Redadv @ 2006-12-16 05:06
pants never have hps ;)
Twinkywinky @ 2006-12-20 22:11
i paid 30 euro to fc so pants SHOULD give max hp too:P
Zuka @ 2006-12-30 08:21
nice.. prefer this over css myself
drakidia @ 2007-01-03 02:11
how do we get from ofab soldier pants ---> improved ----> penultimate?? I guess I didn't get the memo..
Twinkywinky @ 2007-01-06 18:13
on le mishes bosses drop kyr'ozch samples that improve armor and weapon(u will know what will be the good because theres everything in the description of the sample just read it;))
drakidia @ 2007-01-10 23:54
Thanks Twinky... I knew you could upgrade the weapons with that but I wasn't sure about the armor. I thought you had to use omnifiers for some reason :P So, do us solja's use the samples on our nice new little toy gun, or do we use it for grandma's pants?
Methhh @ 2007-01-12 09:09
Drak, there are bio's for guns and different ones for armor
Dekadencia @ 2007-09-07 11:31
Manicmouse @ 2008-01-24 07:46
Worn these a while now, going to combined when I can for the FA. Special attack rating is needed more than attack rating imo :)
medicalman @ 2011-01-11 19:14
this is good for getting on higher weapon thats all i see any use for these
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