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Item Database - Pattern Essence

Pattern Essence Icon #261616 This item looks like a small tube mounted on top of a pod of some sort. Along the side of the tube is a slider. Its purpose is unknown to you, but it glows slightly. The tube itself is multicolored and seems to pulsate from within, powered by some unknown source.
The proper individuals can use this pattern essence to fill in gaps of a specific blueprint pattern. It's etched with distinctive Yutto marks, like the ones you've seen around their tents and on their staves. Apparently, Clear Thought Three is the one to ask about its use.
Flags Visible, No Drop, Unique, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 16.4.4 17.0
Change QL:
Slot none
Value 1000
Mass 0.4kg
LordShado @ 2007-02-22 09:08
Give this plus 3 different patterns of Weary Empath Min-Ji Liu to the Yuttos Clear Thought Three and he will give a complete pattern back. Used for Scheol garden and Scheol Sanctuary keys.
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