Dancingrage @ 2007-02-08 20:09
This description is currently not correct, the damage range is now 180-275 (175), but the reqs are the same. Remember kids, no MBS = Long lifespan during your MP career. This went from being a poor patchup of the MP prof to a decent heck-smacker of it's own accord. Weapon was changed in the recent patch 17.1.1
haomaster12 @ 2007-02-09 06:38
Get it as a reward for 1 of the quest lines in the new Shoel quests.
crazyc94 @ 2007-02-13 21:41
I got this weapon as a reward from the Jobe Scientist Quest series. No need for me to go down into the Catacombs after all to get little mezz ball an extra 80 Attack Rating.
On a side note: This staff also has an OnUse Effect in-game where it uploads the nanoprogram Mesmerizing Construct Empowerment ( http://auno.org/ao/db.php?id=263298 ).
Another last note: The attack skills (Time and space 80% 2h Blunt 20%) allow for a much higher AR then MPs could usually get at this level, as Time and Space is effectively the most important MP skill.
Dancingrage @ 2007-07-17 06:34
The stick was moved from being at the end of the Yuttos quest line to the Jobe Scientist quest line to make room for the new and sorta-improved MP nuke, Metaing's Improved Glacial Lance, which I can't see here on the DB yet.
Dancingrage @ 2009-04-18 06:21
BTW, if you've seen my MP on rk1 at ely hecklers and wondered why I OD'ed everyone but shades in teams, this is my secret weapon.
Erxi @ 2009-11-11 02:24
Scheol quest was ridiculous, but being among top DDers with this and the new nuke sure is fine!
Deadlykis @ 2010-01-24 13:15
Anyone tried this in S10?
Wonder if Asmodian + Orchid Parry Stick
whould be better in there than this there ^^
Deadlykis @ 2010-01-24 17:29
Bet this only compet's vs a Hungry Howlet at lvl 150
algoreith @ 2010-07-16 05:51
probly best reward of this quest
Mindori @ 2010-09-12 03:23
Named after Fran�ois Rabelais. Kind of cool :)
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