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Item Database - Rubi-Ka Tours Standard Expedition Disclaimer

Rubi-Ka Tours Standard Expedition Disclaimer Icon #154680 Through the acceptance of this document the undersigned agrees that Rubi-Ka Tours (RKT) have no responsibility for their personal safety in any areas to which they are directed to by RKT.
RKT provides the Expedition on an 'as is' basis and makes no representations whatsoever about any other eventualities which you may encounter through visiting the locations on our expeditions. When you encounter any local flora or fauna, please understand that it is independent from the tour and that RKT has no control over the eventualities that may result from any close encounters with aforementioned flora or fauna. In addition, the fact that previous visitors may mention aforementioned eventualities does not mean that RKT endorses or accepts any responsibility for individual participation in such encounters, no matter how common.
RKT bears no responsibility for wear and tear of equipment in molten environments, including, but not limited to, the soles of ones boots or any armor and weaponry that may come in contact with the environment. RKT staff can and will advise upon temperatures in any given area, but accepts no responsibility for individual exposure to said temperatures, no matter how common.
RKT bears no responsibility for any first aid or treatment requirements incurred as a result of the tours. All insurance and medical costs are to be met by the undersigned at their discretion.
RKT bears no responsibility if their staff should suddenly have to evacuate any given tour location for safety reasons. The undersigned should make sufficient preparations to account for such eventualities.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop
Can Carry
Patch 16.3
Change QL:
Value 50
Mass 0.2kg
RobB @ 2006-08-29 17:20
Read: You can drop into Lava, Acid or right in the Mouth of "Beast" when you agree to this.
And they don't care about it.
Therrito @ 2011-01-05 03:24
Right on!
I'll sign.
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