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Item Database - Smoky Salamander Skin

Smoky Salamander Skin Icon #161083 The salamanders are typically inactive during the day and are virtually silent. Subject of numerous myths and legends, the ancient Xan linked salamanders to fire because salamanders often crawled out from logs that had been thrown onto fires, leading them to believe that these animals could walk through fire.
Salamanders have delicate, permeable skin through which water and gasses can enter and leave the body. Their skin has glands that secrete a thick layer of mucus, preventing the skin from drying out. In addition, in the males, the skin glands produce scent-emitting chemicals called pheromones that play a role in courtship and mating.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop
Can Carry
Patch 16.3
Change QL:
Value 50
Mass 0.2kg
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