Hellboy1337 @ 2006-08-29 19:34
Brand spankin' new.
Muhandes @ 2006-08-29 20:59
sadly it's quite useless. You need to hit the mob and luck out the proc 20 times to get the 10k AC debuff. A single decon perk does 8k.
habitue @ 2006-08-30 12:19
was hoping this would be an improved Bacam, unfortunately... it's crap.
eXXa @ 2006-08-31 23:38
actually its not crap at all :p
looks good and has a cool/unique "Modifier", which other weapon does a debuff like that? ^^ ok ure right anyone who uses this thingy seriouly infight is a gimp but everyone who just wears it in the big cities is a stylish dude ^o^
unfortunatly im a pistol enig ._.
Dark1947 @ 2006-09-03 20:19
Drop at Safari Quest in inferno
crzyboy88 @ 2006-09-16 02:05
Recharge time 3s (capped at 1.5s)
I thought recharge couldn't be lowered...
Phracton @ 2006-09-18 08:57
Could be good for teams, since e1 in team profits from lower ACs. Yet have to test it, couldn't get it yet b/c of bad respawn time of ember chimeras :(
lysop @ 2006-09-18 11:15
respawn time very bad, i need 3 days to loot a ember chimera torch, i equipped the weapon, and i must say the baca are better (imho), i' ll test sometimes, dmg output of the baca are higher, with a 1,5k chem skill i cant see anything of the debuff modifier of the acid
Phracton @ 2006-09-21 10:30
ok, got it tested it ... crappier than crap even for teams. debuffs hardly do anything on high SL mobs. much less dmg, much shorter range and slower than bacam.
Venderim @ 2006-11-18 05:46
Rechage time on weapons can be lowered with initiative. Its only on nanos that recharge time can't be changed.
jpmcclean @ 2007-01-16 05:51
Any1 have a picture of this in-game?
Batojiri @ 2009-04-18 22:28
you are aware that you need 1300 or higher Chem to get 50% proc on this right? otherwise yes it does suck.
Therrito @ 2023-08-10 20:48
3.0 sec is too long for a recharge time for me. I prefer it be 1.5 secs or less on my weaps.
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