RobB @ 2006-08-29 17:22
Now how is +100 HP helping?
Mostwanted @ 2006-08-29 17:49
It will effectively increase the amount of damage required to kill the user.
User Modify Max health 100 , no they didn't loose their sense of humor *snicker*
Kyai @ 2006-08-29 21:08
There are worse things you could put in a utils slot ;)
jeycihn @ 2006-08-31 21:12
At the point you can equip this, you have much better options. Would have been nice opportunity to introduce a heal/nano delta item instead. I can appreciate FC's sense of humor as well...o, lol. Maybe I'm missing something, but seems to me that Instead of working on this wonder of technology, they could be putting banks or clinics in our cities, or filling in the many many holes in the walls/, pick anything...this is about as useless of a Dev's tiome as there could be :\
jeycihn @ 2006-09-01 09:51
...just did the quest...firmly applying foot to mouth :\
Bleodemm @ 2006-09-16 22:39
Why does it come from a SL quest but have an AI item mesh? :p
Unkerror @ 2006-10-19 06:10
how is 100 hp in a UTILS slot useless? just another 100 hp your tank can have ;)
Voriuste @ 2007-01-01 11:38
Comes from the 16.3 Inferno Quest Series (spirits quest line)
Mohamed @ 2008-04-29 02:47
wouldnt hurt to be updated to 500 hp, considering how many better items are out there
Zinrax @ 2008-05-06 21:58
yeah and +50AAD and NR aswell then i would be nice :)
Enys @ 2008-11-08 15:56
piece of junk
hardstyler88 @ 2009-03-30 22:44
Ats @ 2010-06-25 20:50
TL 5 Phatz
Zinrax @ 2010-08-31 10:45
Not really and you would need to be TL6 to do the quest for this aswell.
Fixyourwhat @ 2013-06-16 10:02
TL6 for the quest in what way?
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