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Item Database - Wen-Wen of Insignificance

Wen-Wen of Insignificance Icon #268035 A Wen-Wen that will cause others to consider you less of a threat for a short period.
Flags Visible, No Drop, Unique, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear, Use, Apply Hostile
Patch 16.2 17.3 17.7.2
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Utils 1
Value 500
Equip time 20s
Attack time 1s
Range 10 m
Mass 0.3kg
To Use User Profession == Meta-Physicist
User Profession == Doctor or
User Profession == Bureaucrat or
User Profession == Engineer and
User Wen-Wen Ability Used not running
To Equip User Profession == Engineer or
User Profession == Bureaucrat or
User Profession == Doctor or
User Profession == Meta-Physicist or
On Use Chat Text You must be wearing this item to use it.  
if Cyberdeck not & 6  
User Cast Wen-Wen Ability Used  
if Cyberdeck & 6  
Target Cast Insignificance  
if Cyberdeck & 6  
On Equip User Set flag Cyberdeck 0x00000006  
Hatefull @ 2006-04-20 14:27
Is this IG and if it is where does it drops??:D (Detaunt -2500 would make teaming with the basic lambda enfo easyer ^^)
Mindori @ 2006-04-28 06:07
-2.5k taunt every 30 min. Oh joy...
alder @ 2006-06-26 08:20
"Wen-Wen of Insignifigance" .... truly
would be nice on biodome raids ... but ... oh wait ... fuxx0r wipes his hatelist every 20 sec.

looks like the devs were in real trouble because they had to create a wen-wen for support profs as well - just for the look as if they care for all profs.
other wen's will give you add-all-off, absorb attack, reflect or will even give you a buff on your core abilitys for a few minutes.. supporters got a insignificant item. thanks fc.

Pyros_15000 @ 2006-12-03 14:35
Hey what are you talking about this is aweomse, I've always wanted an item I shouldn't need because the tank should be doing his job!

lol @ anyone saying 'well if you accidentally CH' because by the time you can even get this wen wen you should be past the accidentally CH stage
Kyai @ 2007-04-29 16:45
Not to mention that the -2500 detaunt on this won't really but a dent in the 50K taunt from CH.
vlada @ 2007-05-14 09:08
i think they missed a here...

vlada @ 2007-05-14 09:08
Heltfeil @ 2007-12-16 21:09
The name of the wen-wen and its ability should be a giveaway of its usefulness..
Antagonist @ 2012-06-05 22:01
2.5k detaunt every 30 minutes.

What a fucking joke.
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