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Item Database - Spinetooth Venom Sac

Spinetooth Venom Sac Icon #144707 The venom sac of the Spinetooth is very unusual in that it grows totally separate from the rest of the creatures body and organs. It has its own circulatory system that is totally self contained and it leaks its venom into the spinetooths lungs through an osmosis like process rather then actually being part of the creature.
JOBE scientists that have studied the creatures biology almost certainly conclude that the venom sac looks as if it was placed into the species through some unnatural process at some stage in its evolution. It might have been a parasite or some kind of symbiotic being that eventually became so interlinked with the Spinetooth that they evolved as one eventually.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry
Patch 16.2
Change QL:
Value 50
Mass 0.2kg
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