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Item Database - Spinetooth Egg

Spinetooth Egg Icon #158274 Spinetooth eggs are quite rare. According to recovered Xan texts it was believed that the species would only procreate naturally when the two suns of the planet were in a certain alignment that only occurred every five years.
This lead to Xan scientists finding ways to 'clone' Spinetooths instead as the Spinetooth species was once a domestic creature farmed by the Xan for its skin and they wanted to breed them faster. However some ancient texts suggest that it was this meddling in the creatures genetic material that lead to their mutation into a hostile and predatory species instead. It did however succeed in making them breed much faster, unfortunately even the scientists involved had to agree that was not such a good thing when they were no longer docile.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry
Patch 16.2
Change QL:
Value 50
Mass 0.2kg
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