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Item Database - Nano Crystal (Means Seventies Flashback)

Nano Crystal (Means Seventies Flashback) Icon #42448 Nano Crystal - This means Disco!
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, Tell Collision, Has Energy
Can Carry, Use, Eat
Patch 17.0
Change QL:
Value 78000
Energy 1
Mass 0.1kg
On Use User Upload Alien Mind Warp  
Ninjamancer @ 2006-12-14 04:44
habitue @ 2006-12-14 05:21
Can't wait to see what this does
polluct @ 2006-12-14 09:48
stun, but wtf means this lovemachine?
polluct @ 2006-12-14 10:11
does this one morphs u into a discoclown?
lpx @ 2006-12-14 10:23
if i had to guess it makes it look like a wave is going thru you.. or something.
Cppthis @ 2006-12-14 11:02

I gotta get this for my engy alt, he looks just like he came from that era.
Arielv @ 2006-12-14 17:06
"You see the lights spinning...
You hear the base pumping...
You are a love work it...
and you just can't stop. "
That looks like a joke to me, but u never know...
eversio @ 2006-12-14 18:58
hahahaha just did a boss Psymod in AXP mish
Casts this on person with agg makes them continuesly do /disco and cant cast nanos/perks
Gart7 @ 2006-12-14 21:06
I really want one of these
wooshell @ 2006-12-15 03:21
Seems like the Funcom people started playing Dungeons&Dragons.. this nano is soooo like Ottos Irresistible Dance... :)
Yakobo66 @ 2006-12-22 16:43
lol this is so funny to be affected by >.<
n0ah @ 2007-08-05 17:29
Ruzan @ 2007-12-11 02:11
"You hear the *base* pumping"...

Worst Misspell ever.......
jukkis @ 2008-02-15 20:11
Anything to shake this off you??
Rdord @ 2008-04-10 08:10
no your already shakin to the max
Comi @ 2008-04-23 07:26
Casted on master of psymod, this will ruin your le types farm day...
Vabla2 @ 2008-05-31 15:21
"Nano Crystal (Means Seventies Flashback)"
Guess Means was bored and there was disco on the radio :p
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