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Item Database - Empowered Ball and Chain

Empowered Ball and Chain Icon #46274 Renders the target unable to move for a short period of time. It does not affect the combat capabilities of the target. This program seems to have an affinity with the Shadowlands.
Flags Can Be Template Item, Has Multiple Count, Open Flag, Default Target, Item Texture Override, Buff Nano
Patch 16.0 18.8.53
QL 106
Crystal Super Charged Nano Crystal (Ball and Chain)
NCU 106
Nanocost 246
School Combat: Root
Duration 1 minute, 56 seconds
Attack time 1.19s (capped at 1s)
Recharge time 3.77s (capped at 1s)
Range 25 m
Chance of break on attack 33
Chance of break on debuff 5
Chance of break on nano 35
Effect icon Icon 46259
Stacking order 33
Defense skills
Level 180 %
Nano resist 90 %
Attack skills
Matter creation 50 %
Time and space 50 %
To Use User Matter creation >= 500 and
User Time and space >= 500 and
User Profession == Nano-Technician and
User Specialization & First and
User Expansion sets & Shadowlands
On Use Target Restrict Action Movement  
Target Taunt 273  
Marko @ 2007-01-31 23:00
dose this means that recharge time is lovered with NanoC init.?
Yakobo66 @ 2007-03-19 21:09
lol insane if it is... harder to resist root with every 2sec? >.>
Binarybot @ 2009-03-21 05:36
Rage-proof :)
Backstabber @ 2009-04-29 05:41
not actually buyable in ado garden
Ladunker586 @ 2009-09-01 06:46
Loot it from monsters or chests you'll find in the dungeon near ergo in the northern part of Scheol, guarded by spirits/spirit hunters. very nice :)
Ladunker586 @ 2009-09-21 05:38
Gotta be a mistake 1s cap on recharge, or the nano init needed is on a different scale or something. 1k nano init and it's definetly not 1/1 cast. The real beauty of this nano is the ncu usage is above 100, so enforcer's rage alone cannot remove it. But if you can cast gravity pull or higher RK roots, being able to insta-cast them is invaluable. Very nice nano tho, and it will land more often on SL mobs as well. Quite often I'll cast this to stop them, then cast BoA or w/e to get the long duration.
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