zXr @ 2004-12-14 21:48
omg wtb! looks pretty nice
Neksy @ 2004-12-16 10:32
Looks like Armor from Biodome...
zXr @ 2005-01-24 16:31
was talking about the mods :p
ninj00rk2 @ 2005-02-14 06:39
uh for a helmet thats ment for 210+ this is pretty horrid, if you look past the 400 hp theres almost no reason to wear this thing.... combined armors are much better..
zXr @ 2005-02-23 22:13
sure sure ninj00 every1 is filthyrich...
Tchaalina @ 2005-04-13 14:37
I have to agree with Ninj00 there...and you don't have to be filthy rich to get Combined armor; just move your lazy asses, kill some alien generals and hope for phat loot ;p
Tchaalina @ 2005-04-13 14:38
btw...you don't just >become< filthy rich, you work for it.
Stillian @ 2005-10-04 00:08
I disagree with that =p, I'm either super duper...or far too lucky...(200m @ 150 ftw)
Neksy @ 2006-02-27 10:02
I wonder there is another Biodome Helmet. Without add damage and lower AC's. Is that the Basic one and the above one is to be crafted with it?
donger @ 2006-05-18 12:05
Rapt0r @ 2006-06-22 20:10
@donger this is possible at lvl 150 if you dont only kill hecks/leech ely...
Marrkovka @ 2006-07-06 00:13
Neksy @ 2006-02-27 10:02
I wonder there is another Biodome Helmet. Without add damage and lower AC's. Is that the Basic one and the above one is to be crafted with it?
think it's Biodome helmet with upgrade from APF Sector 13
vlada @ 2007-03-10 10:45
biodome helmet+upgrade from apf 13(i would rather use it on a combined helmet though)
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