Holyfist @ 2004-11-03 23:44
not bad :P
skybert @ 2005-12-01 07:42
2h Edged 67 %
Melee energy 33 %
Shojumaru @ 2006-01-31 18:57
Why "Yuck!"? Enfos got badass buffs for both, and both skills are easy to train. Definetly not a keeper blade, though, but fuck 'em, who cares about keepers? :P
Sweetchutney @ 2006-11-17 18:06
Dancingrage @ 2010-07-24 12:04
Since Keepers are going to get access to ME buffs as of the rebalancing patch coming up soon, yeah, Keepers might see some use out of this beast.
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