dingo22 @ 2004-09-01 18:08
New shade toy :)
dingo22 @ 2004-09-01 18:18
No sneak attack..
Sypiken @ 2004-09-01 22:00
=P Well, not like the other shade weap's so. :)
nubilas @ 2004-09-02 13:01
to be paired with a Sneak Attack one?
Erxi @ 2004-09-07 01:08
anyone know where it drops?
Denzity @ 2004-09-15 10:32
Drops of last boss inside alien ship. Only seen it drop once so far.
Talan @ 2004-10-09 03:11
way cool weapon, would be nice used with a nippy.
Gellybelly @ 2004-10-27 02:43
dropped off General also
Sypiken @ 2004-11-06 16:44
Drops pretty common ^^
brappy @ 2004-11-11 14:25
love how all shades don't realize your weapon charge up to attack freezes as your perk attacks charge up attack and at 205+ you are using perk attacks 95% of the time so your weapons really don't attack much
zyx22 @ 2005-05-27 16:48
So who says they cant have nice weapons too?
Eomaia @ 2005-06-04 22:56
Ah, just ignore him. Just some know-it-all trying to be a big fish in a little pond. *shrugs* That's what's nice about Anarchy Online. You don't have to play any specific way. Play it however the hell you want.
Deesnuts @ 2005-08-01 01:26
Eomaia you are extremely correct. :)
Edolran @ 2005-09-17 00:44
Good for collection :P
tegrere @ 2005-12-14 06:24
wouldnt mind this just for the buffs. So sure, it isnt great compared to other things, but the hp, conceal and dodge ranged never hurt ne1
Agarwaen @ 2006-12-24 12:44
Use this with TS-Weapon and u own every Bio-Cocoon Profession.
patron1 @ 2007-04-22 16:11
Got this one from Alien-Admiral last night. Anyone tried to combine it with the Kyr'Ozch Energy Rapier - Type 992? If you do, you get both the spec's, and the buffs. Usualy Kyr992 is paired with a Kyr-non-typed. Seems for me this one is a better combination with the Kyr992 than the non-typed...
buttmuffin @ 2008-03-16 17:18
first of all, 992 already has fast attack so you would put this in right hand. secondly 2 type 992's have a higher chance of glory landing over 1 992 and a non typed
Mohamed @ 2008-03-23 22:38
This + viper...with high enough martials arts, would it give 3 attack bars?
All would be melee dmg, I think ma automatically comes with brawl not forgetting specials like blessed with thunder...anyone tested this?
Aurielle @ 2008-10-24 19:35
Viper has no combined MA, so no MA attacks with one equipped. Fairly sure you need brawl on a real weapon to use it with combined MA.
prenoud @ 2011-05-07 04:43
As an MA, I used this and a Shen in pande/inf for maybe a year, those were good times. Fast attack makes up the difference, especially if you have a lot of +damage. Also, afaik the FA helps you proc a little faster. Between 3 hotbars, brawl every 15s, and FA like 7s, there is a lot going on ;p
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