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Item Database - Powdered Viral-Bots

Powdered Viral-Bots Icon #99236 A cannister of powdered viral-bots. Everything you've tried to do to activate them has failed.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 15.6.1 18.4.6
Change QL:
Value 500000
Bugh @ 2004-09-09 13:29
Does it drop from ALien General ?
Or are there any way how to craft it ?
Pheros @ 2005-04-22 16:30
general drop
Pheros @ 2005-04-22 17:24
QL bots=QL result sleeve oder sleeve could be 35% lower
adams @ 2005-06-03 17:02
For those wondering what it's for: Makes De'Valos Sleeve:
bartje @ 2006-04-27 17:48
howmuch these sell?
bartje @ 2006-04-27 17:48
or cost
liquidky @ 2010-06-28 12:57
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