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Item Database - Ka Mon

Ka Mon Icon #255663 The effect of this special is a direct damage attack.
Recharge 130 Seconds.
Can Carry, Use, Apply Target
Patch 15.6.1 17.8
Change QL:
Type Perk action
Value 1
Attack time 2s
Range 20 m
Mass 0kg
Defense skills
Nano resist 100 %
Attack skills
Matter creation 100 %
To Use User Ancient Knowledge 10 trained and
User Ancient Knowledge 10 not locked
On Use Target Hit Health Melee -3500 .. -4500  
Chat Text You successfully perform Ka Mon.  
Target Cast Affected by Ka Mon  
User Lock Ancient Knowledge 10 130s  
On Failure User Lock Ancient Knowledge 10 65s  
lpx @ 2006-12-30 14:56
no to bad for a lv10 perk line.. figure you get 2 other perk actions on top of this.. although the buffs this perkline gives is mostly a joke so only real value is in it's perk actions.. which btw the combat pet AR buff / heal pet heal buff is broken.. does'nt effect combat pet.. dont expect it'll ever be fixed.. been known for a quite a while.
Dancingrage @ 2008-01-12 11:17
Combat/healpet buff are fixed and scale...think of it as channel rage for both pets now.
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