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Item Database - Ken Fi

Ken Fi Icon #255659 The effect of this special is a pet only buff, it will increase its effectiveness for a short time. It works on both the healpet and the attackpet.
Duration 30 Seconds.
Recharge 100 Seconds.
Can Carry, Use
Patch 15.6.1 17.6 17.9
Change QL:
Type Perk action
Value 1
Attack time 2s
Range 20 m
Mass 0kg
To Use User Ancient Knowledge 1 trained and
User Ancient Knowledge 1 not locked and
Target NPC type == 97 or
Target NPC type == 96
On Use Chat Text You successfully perform Ken Fi.  
Target Cast Ken Fi  
if Ancient Knowledge 1 trained  and
Ancient Knowledge 2 not trained  
Target Cast Affected by Ken Fi  
Target Cast Ken Fi  
if Ancient Knowledge 2 trained  and
Ancient Knowledge 3 not trained  
Target Cast Ken Fi  
if Ancient Knowledge 3 trained  and
Ancient Knowledge 4 not trained  
Target Cast Ken Fi  
if Ancient Knowledge 4 trained  and
Ancient Knowledge 5 not trained  
Target Cast Ken Fi  
if Ancient Knowledge 5 trained  and
Ancient Knowledge 6 not trained  
Target Cast Ken Fi  
if Ancient Knowledge 6 trained  and
Ancient Knowledge 7 not trained  
Target Cast Ken Fi  
if Ancient Knowledge 7 trained  and
Ancient Knowledge 8 not trained  
Target Cast Ken Fi  
if Ancient Knowledge 8 trained  and
Ancient Knowledge 9 not trained  
Target Cast Ken Fi  
if Ancient Knowledge 9 trained  and
Ancient Knowledge 10 not trained  
Target Cast Ken Fi  
if Ancient Knowledge 10 trained  
User Lock Ancient Knowledge 1 100s  
lpx @ 2006-12-30 14:57
works on heal pet.. but it's only moderatly effective.. might be worth 1 ai perk.. but then again..
it does'nt effect combat pet.. been broken for quite some time.. FC has been told about it.. dont expect it to ever be fixed.
Ilikebunnies @ 2007-02-12 02:29
If this worked on attack pet... instead of doing, say, 500 dmg... it now does 510!!! zomg joy! :/
For the heal pet it makes an even bigger difference.. instead of 1,000 heal... it's 1,050!!!
umm.. yeah.. awesome.
Dancingrage @ 2008-01-12 11:26
Fixed. As opposed to Channel Rage which was just a straight scaling damage buff, Ken Fi is an AAO buff for the attack pet while it's a scaling healmodifier buff for the healpet. Fully trained the perkline gives:

On Use Self Modify Offense modifier 250
Self Modify Heal modifier 20

Can't tell me 20% heal buffing (coupled with the 12% from deck 7 items if you use 'em) isn't gonna be worth it. Docs scrimp and scrive and self-gimp for that amount. 250 AAD can be just that extra push to cover when channel rage is down for damage from the meat pet.

Give this a new look, I'm perking it up now for the pwnage.
prenoud @ 2008-04-10 01:23
The perk icon and it's name sound like ma's should have this...
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