ghelu @ 2004-05-28 11:23
whoo....nice AC 1100 how can i have it ? :)
Palerider @ 2004-06-17 16:12
Where does it drop ?:)
Sparky @ 2004-06-20 10:51
the new dungeon east of outpost 10-3 (bio dome or something like that)
just use the button next to the door ...
Minokhoon @ 2004-07-28 11:13
Errr huh? What playfield?
Serturos @ 2004-10-19 18:31
You will need the keys to deactivate the gaurd turrets because they do 10k a hit and there is like 6 of them, the key is a rune stones quest i belive killing ass loads of high high lvl mobs around the nasty places...
use the key to get in the turrets deactivate and then you play count the hp on the boss, also this boses drop an important part for the AI mp pet.
and the said mentioned proactive armor, I belive traderific has the helmet she likes to sport.
this is a high lvl 190-220 dungeon, they look cool, also you can enter at any time but the turrets are waiting for you and they warp.
Location of all 3 are east south/east and nort east, depending on how you enter Outpost 10-3, the camps for the mobs to get keys are near and far and prepair to camp for a long time.
I have not been on a bio raid, but had a few freinds in the area tell me the deal about the keys and that I should wait till i'm close or even lvl 200.
Serturos @ 2004-10-19 18:34
I know not all that info is correct but from experience from entering and getting owned by the turrets, a few people told me its better than azure but was also told if I'm heading to chosen stay on that path or merlins.
twist3d @ 2004-12-16 19:00
Wtb key :(
Ephram @ 2005-01-30 17:54
exhaze @ 2005-12-07 15:08
actually, the proactive armor drops from the placeholder mobs you have to kill to get the keys for the biodomes; the biodome bosses drop Kegern's Molybdenum armor pieces
Tullyme @ 2006-04-17 15:37
i got mine outside at least, never entered the buildings... but it was hard, i was just healing when needed, if u get to close u will get a 7k nuke constantly
MiXxor @ 2006-11-13 01:56
If you are are 150, simply let a Team of Level 200+ Chars kill the Bosses for you while you have a drink and watch it from your Yalmaha from above ^^ After Killing all the Bosses you could probably have a full Set
triggerzer0 @ 2010-03-14 05:11
an easy trick for soloing the swamp hags as a 220 is to perk NR8
triggerzer0 @ 2010-03-14 05:11
an easy trick for soloing the swamp hags as a 220 is to perk NR8
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