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Item Database - Adrenaline Factory

Adrenaline Factory Icon #161869 The Adrenaline Factory provides raw adrenaline, which can then be used by the body as a stimulant. It is assumed that the Kyr'Ozch use it for the same purpose as the inhabitants of Rubi-ka do, but no one really knows for sure.
Flags Visible
Can Carry, Wear
Patch current
75 (interpolated between QL 1 and QL 300)
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Hud 1, 0x1
Value 225920
To Equip User Profession == Martial Artist or
User Profession == Enforcer or
User Profession == Keeper and
User Expansion sets & Alien Invasion and
User Alien Technology Expertise 1 trained
On Equip User Modify Max health 57  
User Modify Strength 6  
User Modify Stamina 6  
tremor @ 2004-09-01 19:16
Major_woodie @ 2004-09-01 19:41
Verganas @ 2004-11-21 18:53
Enfo @ 2005-01-06 23:48
picsl2 @ 2005-03-28 15:47
heh in that exact order to "nice/sweet/Ubber/Woot heh
Talan @ 2005-04-09 06:11
and missing the soldier tag -_-
alienzkilla @ 2006-03-01 02:56
picsl2 @ 2005-03-28 15:47
heh in that exact order to "nice/sweet/Ubber/Woot heh

one more thing you forgot L337
triggerzer0 @ 2006-03-30 01:29
no, it needs the soldier tag to be leet

but it is pretty spiffy, when you consider that you can put a ql225 on a level 70 player
triggerzer0 @ 2006-03-30 01:32
err.... 75
Whitey @ 2007-06-30 16:07
have fun doing that, theres a hidden str/stam req im pretty sure is hard to get at 75 :P
buttmuffin @ 2007-07-03 17:50
no hidden reqs, would show up in the db like the hidden cl reqs on compilers
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