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Item Database - Viral Compiler

Viral Compiler Icon #119132 This is similar to a normal Rubi-ka Nanoformula Recompiler, but it uses viralbots instead of nanobots. The performance of this unit is ten percent better than that of the normal counterpart. It also seems to provide some resistance to hostile nanoformulae.
Flags Visible
Can Carry, Wear
Patch current
148 (interpolated between QL 20 and QL 300)
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Deck 6, 0x1
Value 309571
To Equip User Expansion sets & Alien Invasion and
User Computer literacy >= 418
On Equip User Modify Nano init 308  
User Modify Nano resist 32  
Megamochie @ 2005-08-08 11:21
Yeah, it lies ingame by saying that it doesn't take anything but AI to use.
elitezorz @ 2005-09-07 05:47
ql 213 requires 660 Computer Literacy, really messed up my idea for twinking 6 slot belt on for mainly a rocking init. deck :/
bartje @ 2006-03-11 20:28
love it.. wear a ql 180 one on my 95 nt 8)
Tyrade @ 2006-05-08 14:19
Got a ql 117 on my lvl 60 doc. Insta heals still at almost full def.
Sniv @ 2006-10-08 22:24
Finally got a ql300 one on my Advy. CH is going reeeally fast with it now, all other heals insta. pwns^^
Chessi @ 2006-12-23 19:26
Thanks to the Lost Eden expansion/patch, froobs can no longer use/wear these, nor the AI hoods, so don't ever take them off if you're wearing one.
krakowski2k5 @ 2007-01-12 12:30
DAARN, i was gonna put this on my froob doc few days ago...but decided to postpone i'm screwed by the new patch :D
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