anonanus @ 2004-09-07 22:04
How appropriate for the Terrorist of AO. Now all they need is their own Kasbah to hoard all the lewt in.
haxu @ 2004-09-19 10:11
Terror Alert Orange - High risk of random ass bags posting worthless, condescending crap.
Hirum @ 2004-11-05 21:14
God for all of the terrorism we do, we should get some kind of silly bag, I agree, thanks anus
Rukus @ 2004-11-05 21:18
Shareida @ 2005-02-11 04:05
lol rename it to "Mirage Djellaba of ex-Midnight Reveries" ? mwuhaha
haxu @ 2006-01-28 20:24
They should make a ring called "Silirrion's Bane" to immortalize our struggle as the one year anniversary of our ex-communication approaches.
p.s. choke and die
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