Klojo @ 2005-11-14 14:41
Where can I get this ?
tegrere @ 2005-12-06 07:57
Its made in the AI clothing quest
bartje @ 2006-03-03 14:23
basic clothing?
Sarouka @ 2006-07-20 03:29
get a basic robe--> add a fasion kit from maria at uncle bazzits shop-->done also from the way im reading it you dont have to be fixer or trader to wear it but you wont get the 5 complit.
AOmaster @ 2009-07-07 17:13
Yes. Anyone can wear the pirate cloak, but only Fixers/Trades get the comp lit buff.
Shadraz @ 2010-03-01 07:58
I've made this, as well as the pirate outfit, for my Fixer. None of them give the advertised stat boosts. (comp lit for this, and dodge ranged/duck exp for pirate outfit)
gdahl @ 2011-12-30 14:38
+5 CL works as it should on my trader <3
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