Banansniffer @ 2004-09-08 22:20
Argh, where does this little thingie drop? :P
Dokalicious @ 2004-09-15 05:09
i wonder too, i dont think its in game yet, it may be drop you only get in the mothership
Dokalicious @ 2004-09-15 05:11
** it may only drop in the mothership
Brockhouse @ 2004-09-20 16:11
any confirmed drops?
Strupstad @ 2004-11-02 00:00
One sold on atlantean for 100m BO.. guess it's for something more than just +10 to all AC's.
Gnap @ 2004-11-05 06:38
it's used in the tradeskill process to make fuzzy/wrinkled/phasing nano input hoods
Sypiken @ 2004-12-04 17:17
One just went for 30m
davidchiou @ 2005-04-03 14:18
Found some on alien playfields. Should be common these days. On forums it's sold for 1m only as of today.
Wildboy @ 2005-04-23 00:29
how do you make those hoods ? what els then this Inactive Nano Input Hood do you need ?
wooshell @ 2005-06-03 00:59
wrinkled/fuzzy/phasing swatch of alien fabric
grindleet @ 2005-06-19 13:05
i have one :P
it's good
Jeff120 @ 2005-10-11 01:29
this sucks 10 AC lol
Faynt @ 2005-11-05 14:26
Found mine onboard AI ship on random mob in boss room
KraZMedic @ 2006-03-09 02:29
Once you make them into a wrinkled/fuzzy/phasing hood with a wrinkled/fuzzy/phasing swatch of alien fabric they become a leveling item and for casting profs are quite useful.
willypiggy @ 2006-09-29 15:01
Got mine for 1M but orie got on ship :)
Terrif @ 2008-03-28 13:57
got one, damn if i knew they go for 30M in 2004 XD well, this suck but you can upgrade it in very good stuff ^^
liquidky @ 2010-06-28 12:59
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