metalpojo @ 2004-09-02 01:38
for a lvl 220+ character... wait WTH - "User Level >= 221 " mewl
Tered @ 2004-09-07 22:53
That is to use (rightclicking) - not equip.
The Level >= 221 means item cannot be leveled above QL220.
Lugubrizione @ 2006-01-29 09:05
any1 know how low QL it can be made?
wooshell @ 2006-02-11 18:50
The hood always starts at QL 1 when you build it, then you level it until the QL matches your own level.
Awful ColdAC hole.. too bad the nano bonus makes it almost irresistible :|
Lerroy @ 2006-04-22 23:51
thinking of getting for my engi, plz post if better suggestion :)
antsquasher @ 2006-06-24 11:30
the "to equip is wrong on this." You can wear the ql of your level. so for example, im leevl 151, and my hood is 151... it works :)
Datagutt @ 2006-07-15 22:03
Lerroy @
u could use arithmetic but thats if u can afford it this is a good free option
gdb2222 @ 2006-09-03 14:10
how do you make this?
Sundiver @ 2006-10-04 04:18
liquidky @ 2010-06-28 13:00
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