Engil @ 2004-10-12 11:18
where do one get this?
Kingone @ 2004-10-17 22:32
AI Start Base.
Rennard @ 2004-11-18 13:19
ICC startup. The omni vendor sells them on the hill leading up to the exit from the area, they sell fro around 5k and they are well worth it, im still using mine past 80th level.
Falcon11 @ 2005-06-23 02:07
if you're 80 and still using this in your NECK slot, you need some tokens
KnightofNI @ 2005-06-30 14:10
or a trip to CoH
Xwretchedx @ 2005-07-24 01:50
I would hope Rennard meant in a few occasions... For the Sense buff. Since AFAIK there are no other neck +sense items. So I will give him the benefit of the doubt that he just uses it to buff up sense.
Sorhan @ 2006-01-19 07:06
Map Nav +3 isn't so bad either ;) Maps ftw!
gergiskoo @ 2006-06-22 01:34
I didn't realize this buffed mapnav. Nice, especially since it's so darn hard to get maps on without putting IP into the skill... Maybe I can sell a few :P
Ilikebunnies @ 2006-11-26 19:11
I never waste points in map nav anymore. You can get all but faction-upgrade on by about lvl 70ish with just imps + trickledown, depending on race.
This does give +3 sense too.. could come in handy for that uber-hard equip.
malformed @ 2007-09-25 19:08
Also the only thing my lvl 1 twink can equip on neck, they can't do token...
dominiccosta @ 2008-12-13 05:27
if u realy twink a lvl 1, that is a trader or agent, u can get on collar casero de la crypta, but u really have to twink
Vladja @ 2020-08-20 09:58
These used to be available on the old newbie island as Omni-Tek Smelling Salts, but they are not available on Arete. Players who still have this item from there will still have it, but you can't obtain this anymore otherwise.
Note that even if you still have an old character on the old newbie island, the item is no longer available there either anymore. :(
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