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Item Database - Kyr'Ozch Viral Serum

Kyr'Ozch Viral Serum Icon #100337 This generic type serum seems to be an ingredient of the Kyr'Ozch's external immunity system.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 15.6.1 18.4.11
Change QL:
Value 5000
Mass 0.2kg
Wildboy @ 2005-04-17 02:05
what are this Viral Serum for ?
BefouledRK2 @ 2006-03-29 23:32
My opinion? Building playercity buildings i would guess... The guide ( suggests that alien biocomputers can be used. The recipie for a building calls for "Generic Organic Immunity System"... Im purely speculating here, but i believe if you are using a Kyr'ozch Biomechanical Computer, you should also substitue this item for the generic organic immunity system as well... Can anyone test this theory?

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