GarrettKreuz @ 2005-01-21 10:21
Just got one of these...anyone know what its for?
adams @ 2005-02-09 14:11
Used in city building, for higher QL structures
sorin18 @ 2005-06-03 03:41
Where Exactly Can I Find 1 Manteze Scout Nasal Membrane Bigest QL It IS ?
lpx @ 2006-07-07 11:01
anyone know the exact type of manteze that drops these?
EvulPerson @ 2006-11-14 00:34
umm usually the scout drops them, but rarely. and they don't have a QL. its 'SPECIAL'
Manteze Scout Nasal Membrane
Quality level: SPECIAL
Charges: 1 (Splitable)
Toranaga @ 2007-10-11 22:28
If anyone wants to purchase a bag of these let me know. send tell to Toranagasama on RK1
ruah @ 2009-12-04 10:52
¸(Manteze Scout Nasal Membrane) = 4Holes (swap dens, manteze scouts)
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