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Item Database - Combined Commando's Jacket

Combined Commando's Jacket Icon #256308 Double layers of Bio-Material armor give the pieces of this suit great capabilities. The Commando edition increases the proficiency of the wearer in all combat skills, improving accuracy and damage inflicted.
Flags Visible, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch current
235 (interpolated between QL 1 and QL 300)
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Body
Value 235000
To Equip User Strength >= 785 and
User Agility >= 785 and
User Expansion sets & Alien Invasion and
User Title level >= 5
User Alien Technology Expertise 3 trained and
User 65 & 65536
On Equip User Texture Body 256242  
User Modify Projectile AC 1490  
User Modify Melee AC 1410  
User Modify Energy AC 1490  
User Modify Chemical AC 1332  
User Modify Radiation AC 1410  
User Modify Cold AC 1253  
User Modify Poison AC 1490  
User Modify Fire AC 1332  
User Modify Martial arts 24  
User Modify Multi melee 24  
User Modify 1h Blunt 24  
User Modify 1h Edged 24  
User Modify Melee energy 24  
User Modify 2h Edged 24  
User Modify Piercing 24  
User Modify 2h Blunt 24  
User Modify Sharp objects 24  
User Modify Grenade 24  
User Modify Heavy weapons 24  
User Modify Bow 24  
User Modify Pistol 24  
User Modify Rifle 24  
User Modify Smg 24  
User Modify Shotgun 24  
User Modify Assault rifle 24  
User Modify Bow special attack 24  
User Modify Ranged energy 24  
User Modify Multi ranged 24  
User Modify Brawl 24  
User Modify Riposte 24  
User Modify Dimach 24  
User Modify Parry 24  
User Modify Sneak attack 24  
User Modify Fast attack 24  
User Modify Burst 24  
User Modify Fling shot 24  
User Modify Aimed shot 24  
User Modify Full auto 24  
User Modify Offense modifier 12  
User Modify Defense modifier 12  
User Modify Projectile damage modifier 8  
User Modify Melee damage modifier 8  
User Modify Energy damage modifier 8  
User Modify Chemical damage modifier 8  
User Modify Radiation damage modifier 8  
User Modify Cold damage modifier 8  
User Modify Fire damage modifier 8  
User Modify Poison damage modifier 8  
Sypiken @ 2004-09-22 11:56

Primary Stats

ProjectileAC: 6680
MeleeAC: 6360
EnergyAC: 6680
FireAC: 6040
ColdAC: 5720
RadiationAC: 6360
ChemicalAC: 6040
PoisonAC: 6680

AddAllOff: 105
AddAllDef: 105

Melee Skills

1hBlunt: 210
1hEdged: 210
Piercing: 210
2hBlunt: 210
2hEdged: 210
MeleeEnergy: 210
Parry: 210
SneakAttack: 210
FastAttack: 210
MultiMelee: 210

MartialArts: 210
Brawl: 210
Dimach: 210
Riposte: 210

Ranged Skills

Bow: 210
Pistol: 210
AssaultRifle: 210
MG/SMG: 210
Shotgun: 210
Rifle: 210
RangedEnergy: 210
HeavyWeapons: 210
SharpObject: 210
Grenade: 210

FlingShot: 210
AimedShot: 210
Burst: 210
FullAuto: 210
BowSpecialAttack: 210
MultiRanged: 210

Damage Modifiers

ProjectileDmgModifier: 70
MeleeDmgModifier: 70
EnergyDmgModifier: 70
ChemicalDmgModifier: 70
RadiationDmgModifier: 70
ColdDmgModifier: 70
FireDmgModifier: 70
PoisonDmgModifier: 70

What a fullset would give yah. =P Crazed
Regidoc @ 2004-10-22 23:40
Like wearing a set of implants that give ACs :o
Stehn @ 2005-04-04 00:14
useless, id rather wear mercenary if i was melee or sharpshooter if i was ranged
Dreadkeeper @ 2005-04-28 02:00
For once, agreed, Stehn.
Kthxdie @ 2005-06-15 14:30
no point in merc as an atrox - you'll just get capped for more aimedshot - I'd rather have the +off mod from the commando. This is good armor for enfos/keepers who don't have much problem with HP to begin with.
Defres @ 2005-07-11 21:58
this is the choice of PvP ma, AS add + offense modifier.
Combined Mercenary for PvM maybe.
bigandugly @ 2005-07-13 14:58
nice set but u forget one esantial thing LIFE.
Kthxdie @ 2005-07-13 15:06
'life' isn't 'essential' in pvp due to the fact that more or less everyone that pvps uses AS.
'life' is more beneficial in pvm.
Laringo @ 2005-09-12 00:50
HighEnd Equip for a NM Doc :p
gimme more Bots^^
Gozil @ 2005-10-24 00:30
this set give +90 aao(AR) more then Combined mercs and it gives you +AS if you wanna use that.. so its better then Combined mercs imo.. hp is kinda useless in pvp anyways. but if your ranged you should use SS :)
Deviation @ 2005-10-27 11:49
Pfft, if soldiers are meant to be offense (damage), then why in the hell do all soldiers on RK2 where SS...wierdos -_-"
Trinter @ 2005-12-23 07:03
Where do you get this item?
belendor @ 2006-01-04 22:56
Alien Raid ???
Hyperion5182 @ 2006-03-02 09:07
Mix and match pieces with T3 you get some decent AC's and some very nasty buffs.
AlphaCenta @ 2006-03-31 10:05
Soldiers use CSS because it adds to evades and ranged skills? :D Evades, ftw :)
Rktim @ 2006-04-21 21:16
Soldiers have realised that evades wouth get high enouth fore em to mather so they are more and more using Commando instead, al tho some sojas mix the 2 and some go CC/Chosen or CSS/CC/Chosen... but i bet thers still one or 2 soljas hanging on to evades equip whith CSS
tabsl @ 2006-05-03 16:56
Yes my soldier will get some kind of melee weapon.. ^^
Yakobo66 @ 2006-06-09 21:52
my opi soldja pwn wid evades XD
Comi @ 2006-11-20 03:28
Martial Arts, multi melee, Piercing, Sharp objects, Bow, Brawl, Riposte, Dimach, Sneak attack, Fast attack, Aimed shot, add all off & def and dmg. Sorry guys this armor has MA written all over it :D
Ilikebunnies @ 2006-12-14 03:36
The texture's got a bit of a bondage thing going on, eh
Gurudee @ 2006-12-26 17:24
Why would a soldier wear this?
Because getting the 1000 agility and SENSE on a trox for CSS is a nightmare.
Now if you were smart enough to roll a soli or opi soldier, well...... :P
Comi @ 2007-01-01 00:44
1000 anything for anyone isnt hard.
fostian @ 2007-02-03 21:39
1k sense is something I don't feel like shooting for on my trox soldja....ill happily take the extra damage instead from CC.
Xira @ 2007-05-09 20:02
Looks perfect for people who enjoy using weapons that req skills that they haven't put IP in.
hasufel @ 2007-07-24 14:58
Looks perfect for people who want to max ar to perk everyone and their mothers plus get high weapon spezials for fast recharge and high as/sa and some add dmg.

I like some ql.290 cc parts for my opi fixer. Just need to swap ql.250ish Strength imp on r-arm plus behe+prod strength or some other str buff items. And i loose 1 on weapon skills per part - same add dmg, same add all off/def.
Daundweg @ 2008-03-09 19:37
Perfect for guys like Cortez who Hotswap from Booster Edition to Piercing Evil :>
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