Cato @ 2004-04-05 18:49
Ok I see how do i build these Perennium Weapons....?
Icarys @ 2004-04-15 09:51
I know it starts with the Nano-Weapons.
Wraith87 @ 2005-08-09 23:29
haha gotta be SL =P
Ilikebunnies @ 2007-01-26 00:52
some of the other versions have comments that explain.. go find 'em
__Ranger__ @ 2007-05-24 20:21
the ql 190 i will be able to twink on at lvl... 45
__Ranger__ @ 2007-05-24 20:23
And! i have proof!
Look this:
500 imps buffed skill== + 120 UA = 620 + 132 wrangle = 752 + 210 trader divest skills= 962 in Rifle, but need NCU though.... But thats no problem ither.. Even you could get on ql 220 kyr'ozch on lvl 45 =)))
Vladja @ 2007-05-29 20:11
You either accept it is heavily overequipped (essentially being Ql100 then) or you spend half of your time casting drains in false professions with deeply negative inits. Getting it on is not so much a problem, but using it effectively is.
Neonanuk @ 2009-01-12 20:24
how much ranged Ints do you need to 1sec attack time on full def?
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