slipster @ 2004-10-27 14:51
This weapon series Rocks, goes up to ql125 :D
Hellslayer @ 2004-12-01 15:43
where to find?
Serturos @ 2005-01-11 20:28
Mortigs in ely, low drop rate :(
Ilikebunnies @ 2007-01-24 04:10
About 1/10 drop rate I found, maybe 1/15. If you're high enough lvl to kill some 120 mobs ganking you in groups of 10, go nuts. If you find the wrong wep - sell or trade to get the right type. (Although I normally see teams of lvl 80-100 people - not really camped by high lvls like preds)
Ilikebunnies @ 2007-01-26 20:25
(Oh also the beaters are much more rare than the beamers etc.. they cost about 8m as opposed to 2 or 3m for the guns on player shops. The ql 125 is quite rare and uber expensive if you can find any sold)
Jinzost @ 2007-03-01 03:30
lol i think the drop rate is alot lower than 1/15 for ANY of the mortiigs weapons. I havent done mortiigs for very long but i haven't seen any tiig weapons so far in killing 100+ tiigs
cyde @ 2007-03-18 04:21
Got a ql 100 beater on my 5th kill.
playaslaya @ 2007-03-26 14:21
i got two of these a ql 101 and 100 on my lvl 60 enforcer Bigbeater self equiped the ql 101 at 38 :D all my friends were maded cuz they had more money then me and only reason why i found the ql 101 cuz i stumbled over a weakened tiig and my main's cacodemon killed it XD but i love my enforcer with ql 120 CAS and ql 101 and 100 tiig beaters on but gonna try to get a ql 115 or 120 to put in my off hand cuz the such low lvl i got barely helps me
BrendanDark @ 2007-11-07 05:26
...can ne1 post an equip config to solo azzy? I saw a video on youtube of a guy soloing...wana see the config.
aocat @ 2010-11-12 04:38
This weap (ql 100) looks like it's possible to put on at level 25 :) If I ever get myself some AI armor and a bit of time, I'll have fun in the subs...
Digitalkillr @ 2012-12-09 13:26
Ql100 has been done at lvl 15 D:
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