Alienchild @ 2004-11-03 15:27
Drops from Imp dynabosses in Elysium
riverine @ 2005-08-03 05:06
drop rate horrible
Alienchild @ 2005-08-28 23:22
Droprate is 2%, judging by 700 kills. Yes, 700 kills.
riverine @ 2005-09-04 03:50
camped there 2 nights ...nothing
Snakebite @ 2005-09-20 12:05
This spirit can be >>teached<< to help you...
Lousy grammar too... lol
missfixy @ 2005-09-28 16:51
After 200 Kills the droprate was 1.5% for me, but at last i have the full set of spirit helpers now ^^
ste1nar @ 2005-09-29 23:14
seems like i have been lucky, or droprate have increased, -or- *phew* u guys have had bad luck :P camped 5 respawn rounds, 2 drops
krvnik @ 2006-01-24 20:50
how to upgrade that thing ?
Vunts @ 2006-02-11 20:09
hmm...people here are saying how the droprate sucks, and i got it on the first kill :P interesting
Zuoxi @ 2006-05-07 02:18
1 Kill isnt couclusive enough of a study, try a few hundred more to expand your data array :D
dJinN @ 2006-06-03 14:22
I just got 3 of these from camping imps for about 6 hours and for the first time in the history of this game no one else ever came to kill them.
dJinN @ 2006-06-03 14:24
oh the imps by ergo
Wranglerbob @ 2008-01-01 18:33
drop rate is incredibly low with a slow spawn time.. GRrrrrr
fixereetza @ 2012-05-26 22:27
48 kill for the first one to drop. I need 3 so i'll keep farming.
fixereetza @ 2012-05-27 17:00
34 kills and the second one dropped. Only 1 more to go :)
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