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Item Database - Focus-Funneling Device

Focus-Funneling Device Icon #205507 This device can be teached to help you concentrate better when performing complicated mechanical, chemical and bio-chemical tasks. It's also of some use when working with energy apparatuses and processes of all kinds.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 15.5
Change QL:
Type Utility
Slot Hud 2
Value 3600
Mass 0.2kg
To Equip User Profession == Engineer or
User Profession == Trader or
User Profession == Fixer and
User Tutoring >= 250
On Equip User Modify Energy AC 50  
User Modify Chemical AC 50  
User Modify Radiation AC 50  
User Modify Mechanical engineering 40  
User Modify Electrical engineering 10  
User Modify Quantum physics 10  
User Modify Weapon smithing 40  
User Modify Pharmaceuticals 10  
User Modify Nano programming 10  
User Modify Computer literacy 5  
User Modify Chemistry 25  
Xyboc @ 2004-04-06 01:25
Drops from the Final boss in the Crypt of Home.
Orichalcon @ 2006-01-24 23:19
oh how I want this.
Orichalcon @ 2006-08-09 22:56
oh how I have this. ;)
Damefix @ 2008-06-17 16:36
This at level 1 twink... Hrrr...
phaetonXIII @ 2009-03-01 21:49
Damefix @ 2008-06-17 16:36
yea it can be done at level 1 I bet, but what can a lvl 1 honestly due with the tskill buffs? The only thing I see helpful is +5 complit, but everyone else manages to find that somewhere else
Scabadus @ 2009-04-14 05:08
A level 1 engie could get a better trimmer for their bots...
picsl2 @ 2009-12-10 04:58
carb armor? CAS armor, Pawn Borker Armor for a trader, TS Gold and gems and such to make more money...... engie can get there pistols on sooner....etc etc....and ur not gunna be level 1 forever and TSing is pretty lucrative at all level ranges since the new patches have been coming out.
thebubble @ 2012-06-09 15:40
if u twink to get it on a lvl 1, i doubt that u will level anymore >.< lvl 1 twinsk ftw :D
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