Keex @ 2004-06-16 16:52
Where does this drop?
Kingone @ 2005-02-27 18:01
Inf, Dragon boss east of Yuttos, approx. 3450x1450.
Deesnuts @ 2005-04-17 03:44
who says there are no dirty things in AO... :D
Enfsandy @ 2005-09-04 00:52
:D that thing looks cool, I need to get it for my agent twink, Is it only one ql? I am really looking for some scope that modifys Rifle, and goes in hud 1 or 2.
Keex @ 2005-12-26 15:33 the social flag regardless in this item and i can wear it with my normal armor? dunno with utility items and social flags... o_o
Ninja @ 2006-04-10 19:28
Just noticed that O_O
Helamorious @ 2006-05-01 14:21
I think the social tag means that you cannot place any armor on after equiping.
donger @ 2006-06-16 17:44
Social tag means you can't equip any armour with it. GA has a social armour tag meaning only certain items can be worn with it. It's just bugged
Keex @ 2006-09-02 04:06
naw util items are a bit weird with the social can equip other armor with this, but this deactivates after every zoning.
jeycihn @ 2006-12-31 07:56
yep to the weirdness with these type items and sosh tag. nice lil buff item tho.
zerogates @ 2007-01-22 01:42
sold the tbody tattoo that looks like that for 500k :)
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