doomsday23 @ 2004-02-19 21:28
where does this version of the Jame Drop? what playfield and mob
Xyboc @ 2004-07-23 23:00
Adonis, same bosses as the other JAME droppers.
jeff123 @ 2005-10-26 13:31
jeff123 @ 2005-10-27 23:03
twinkable at level 60, go gank atur
donger @ 2006-01-01 17:34
801 AR at level 60? i dont think sooooooooo, ql 147 done but noway 160
Ephyon @ 2006-05-18 00:54
Did a quick calculation and got it up to 791 AR, so i dont see that 801 should be impossible.
(Perks, Alien Armor, ql 130-150 implants used in calculation, Trickledown, Wrangle, AR Mastery, AR Expertise)
Not saying that you will be 100% once all buffs are out, but its possible indeed =) (Soldier of course, other professions would have a very hard time with it =P, Except traders ^^)
Tyrade @ 2006-05-24 21:51
Would this Jame beat out a 220 MBC for a doc? I mean it'll be hell of a lot easier to put on at 160ish, the burst cyle is faster, higher max damage, and easier/cheaper to get I'd imagaine. The only downfall I see to this is the lower AR cap and doesnt look as sexy.. Am I wrong on any of this?
Raveneffect @ 2006-06-01 16:23
"the burst cyle is faster" If my calculaitons are correct the Burst Recharge at Base is 55 as compared to the 36 of the MBC due to the Recharge. The Fling will also be faster/cheaper. The min damage is only 5 more on the MBC but in min damage situations the MBC would "always" win just by looking at it on paper.
Mystixx @ 2006-06-25 18:42
I'm sorry but what's the MBC?
Venderim @ 2006-06-26 02:58
Tyrade @ 2006-09-12 20:59
Correct. I went throught the trouble of slapping this on my 160/18 Soli doc and with his set up, he has 8sec bursts and 9sec flings. I made some horrible assumptions when I made that first post.. Went by what is said here without knowing the math. - set up
houserocker @ 2007-01-06 16:54
1175 burst to cap recharge, fling is uncappable (2600), most people change weapons before they ever reach such figures :) But still a nice support weapon.
wintypes @ 2008-07-16 16:31
I'd say this is better than a MBC for S10 docs... since Aliens are weak on AC and the max dmg would have more impact... and since many s10 docs team with soldiers, the OS/AR mastery/RC/FAT help even more in DD...
rico648 @ 2008-08-08 22:24
this is not difficult at all now a days.
pen ultimate ofab pants+gloves + ai armor = easy.
aocat @ 2011-04-28 23:35
What QL on a 60 trader? 160?
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