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Item Database - Jobe City Guard Personal Pistol

Jobe City Guard Personal Pistol Icon #113996 This is the Jobe Guard Personal Pistol. It was developed for use by Jobe City and Jobe Portal Guards. A large number of these pistols were recently stolen from one of the Nascence research centers, where they were stored.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Unique
Can Carry, Wear, Full Auto
Patch 15.3
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand, Left hand
Value 3316250
Equip time 0.5s
Attack time 1s
Recharge time 1s
Range 20 m
Clip 10 - Energy ammo
Damage 200-300 (100) - Energy AC
Attack rating cap 800
Fullauto cycle 4000
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 2kg
Multi ranged 700
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 100 %
Attack skills
Pistol 100 %
To Equip User Profession == Soldier and
User Expansion sets & Shadowlands and
User Pistol >= 701 and
User Full auto >= 631
On Equip User Modify Max health 150  
Dreamer-Soul @ 2004-07-16 09:06
Where can get this pistol?
Sypiken @ 2004-09-08 17:17
Buy it, no prob getting this nifty little thing for 10-15 mill or so. =P Soldier's have something against using pistol's i think. Prolly multi ranged. If i remember right it drop off some dryad boss in penumbra (I dont think i remember right so dont trust me).
wildwilly @ 2004-09-17 22:35
Can this be dueled with a Jobe Portal Guard Persona Pistol ? or does the unique tag extend to the Different name ?
mpzzziippit @ 2004-09-20 02:21
be trox dual it with a Diamondine Kick Pistol, that could be fun, Burst, FLingSHot, and full auto :)
Morthoseth @ 2005-01-20 00:28
800MBS on this thing. How often do you even expect to hit?
Gng @ 2005-05-04 20:37
it's rather nice, my lvl75 twink had one :)
it still OD a QL200 perennium up to lvl130, and then some.
Gng @ 2005-05-04 20:38
and Sypiken it drops in ado :)
Mindori @ 2005-05-13 16:14
MBS only determines max damage morthoseth, not chance to hit...
mosnami @ 2006-03-14 14:43
Hmm... 10 rounds per clip.. Not a good way to do FA attack...
Datagutt @ 2006-07-18 10:25
nice fora 60 twink tho ud need exactly ql 140 else the full auto would be abit to much
Enfsandy @ 2006-08-08 00:07
with 10 rounds per clip you have to reload before you use Full Auto
Gurudee @ 2006-08-17 03:22
Note on price:
These things regularly go for 30mil+, with the low QL version more expensive (for twinks so ofc)
And paired with a nice typed Kyr Mac Pistol, these things with the correct perk setup and some know how, OD a SPB.
The JPGPP will cost you a LOT more, but if you're a damage-whore-on-a-budget like me, this is a pretty sweet option also.
marist @ 2006-12-30 11:12
JCGPP + CDR = godlike @lvl 60 =P , i love the comb. :D
Benjamn @ 2007-01-31 17:04
JCGPP + Blackbird = ub0r :P
tsuragi @ 2007-02-01 09:21
on RK, KMP - type 5 ql 160 is roughly equivalent to Blinded Blackbird
the KMP would give better alphas (fling + burst), but the blackbird is super easy to cap burst on (a little over 600) compared to the KMP's ~1400.
Gavyyn @ 2007-05-03 00:55
how teh hell do u get this on @ lvl 60 o.O i see all full auto is so badly nerfed :(
Desdishado @ 2007-09-10 23:31
So, does this have 11 second FA recharge all the time? I really don't understand the whole cycle/special recharge thing lol >< but 4000 FA cycle is the same as a perennium's, and the SPB doesn't have 11 sec FA unless you have a LOT of FA skill.
robapril @ 2008-01-04 04:15
Full Auto = (Recharge x 40) + Full Auto Delay** - FA skill/25
recharge on this gun is 1, so 1x40 = 40 + the full auto delay (which is 40) = 80. Now if you had 600 full auto skill that would shave about 24 seconds off of it to give you a full auto recharge of 56 seconds.

** Full Auto Delay = FullAutoRechage/100. FullAutoRecharge can also be found with Anarchy Mainframe (Fullautorecharge is Full Auto Cycle on auno)

Not sure if my calculations are correct or not ><
Ofab @ 2008-01-04 05:30
Gettin it on my level 60 soldier atm ;)

Fairly easy tbh
dezz10 @ 2009-09-14 03:15
darkblades @ 2010-01-04 06:36
a ql 125 mortiig blaster of torture has 3k full auto and burst recharge, would be alot faster plus the burst skill, and the max dmg is higher. i had a ql 124 mortiig on my lvl 60 soldier and the recharge on full auto was about 57 seconds. compared to robapril said the mortiig is alot faster seeing as i only had about ~530ish FA skill.
buttmuffin @ 2010-03-01 07:43
going to try and get a ql 140 on a 49 opi sold, wish me luck!
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