Dreamer-Soul @ 2004-07-16 09:06
Where can get this pistol?
Sypiken @ 2004-09-08 17:17
Buy it, no prob getting this nifty little thing for 10-15 mill or so. =P Soldier's have something against using pistol's i think. Prolly multi ranged. If i remember right it drop off some dryad boss in penumbra (I dont think i remember right so dont trust me).
wildwilly @ 2004-09-17 22:35
Can this be dueled with a Jobe Portal Guard Persona Pistol ? or does the unique tag extend to the Different name ?
mpzzziippit @ 2004-09-20 02:21
be trox dual it with a Diamondine Kick Pistol, that could be fun, Burst, FLingSHot, and full auto :)
Morthoseth @ 2005-01-20 00:28
800MBS on this thing. How often do you even expect to hit?
Gng @ 2005-05-04 20:37
it's rather nice, my lvl75 twink had one :)
it still OD a QL200 perennium up to lvl130, and then some.
Gng @ 2005-05-04 20:38
and Sypiken it drops in ado :)
Mindori @ 2005-05-13 16:14
MBS only determines max damage morthoseth, not chance to hit...
mosnami @ 2006-03-14 14:43
Hmm... 10 rounds per clip.. Not a good way to do FA attack...
Datagutt @ 2006-07-18 10:25
nice fora 60 twink tho ud need exactly ql 140 else the full auto would be abit to much
Enfsandy @ 2006-08-08 00:07
with 10 rounds per clip you have to reload before you use Full Auto
Gurudee @ 2006-08-17 03:22
Note on price:
These things regularly go for 30mil+, with the low QL version more expensive (for twinks so ofc)
And paired with a nice typed Kyr Mac Pistol, these things with the correct perk setup and some know how, OD a SPB.
The JPGPP will cost you a LOT more, but if you're a damage-whore-on-a-budget like me, this is a pretty sweet option also.
marist @ 2006-12-30 11:12
JCGPP + CDR = godlike @lvl 60 =P , i love the comb. :D
Benjamn @ 2007-01-31 17:04
JCGPP + Blackbird = ub0r :P
tsuragi @ 2007-02-01 09:21
on RK, KMP - type 5 ql 160 is roughly equivalent to Blinded Blackbird
the KMP would give better alphas (fling + burst), but the blackbird is super easy to cap burst on (a little over 600) compared to the KMP's ~1400.
Gavyyn @ 2007-05-03 00:55
how teh hell do u get this on @ lvl 60 o.O i see all full auto is so badly nerfed :(
Desdishado @ 2007-09-10 23:31
So, does this have 11 second FA recharge all the time? I really don't understand the whole cycle/special recharge thing lol >< but 4000 FA cycle is the same as a perennium's, and the SPB doesn't have 11 sec FA unless you have a LOT of FA skill.
robapril @ 2008-01-04 04:15
Full Auto = (Recharge x 40) + Full Auto Delay** - FA skill/25
recharge on this gun is 1, so 1x40 = 40 + the full auto delay (which is 40) = 80. Now if you had 600 full auto skill that would shave about 24 seconds off of it to give you a full auto recharge of 56 seconds.
** Full Auto Delay = FullAutoRechage/100. FullAutoRecharge can also be found with Anarchy Mainframe (Fullautorecharge is Full Auto Cycle on auno)
Not sure if my calculations are correct or not ><
Ofab @ 2008-01-04 05:30
Gettin it on my level 60 soldier atm ;)
Fairly easy tbh
dezz10 @ 2009-09-14 03:15
darkblades @ 2010-01-04 06:36
a ql 125 mortiig blaster of torture has 3k full auto and burst recharge, would be alot faster plus the burst skill, and the max dmg is higher. i had a ql 124 mortiig on my lvl 60 soldier and the recharge on full auto was about 57 seconds. compared to robapril said the mortiig is alot faster seeing as i only had about ~530ish FA skill.
buttmuffin @ 2010-03-01 07:43
going to try and get a ql 140 on a 49 opi sold, wish me luck!
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